Like a Brother

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Chapter Two
Peter's POV

Harry and I get on the bus and look around for a seat, we are the third set of people to get on bus which means we have to head towards the back of the bus. We start to make our way to the back of the bus and I spot a good seat to sit in and take it, I look at Harry and he makes eye contact with me and sits down.

"So Pete, were you serious when you said you had no friends?" He asked "sadly yes, well there is this one girl but I'd hardly call her my friend" I say thinking about Kayla. "Really?" Harry says with enthusiasm, "tell me about this" he pauses, then raises his eyebrows "girl" he finishes, smiling at me. I stare at him with a blank face, he's starting to creep me out with his smile. He stops smiling and looks me in the eyes "c'mon Pete, it's not like your world is going to crash and burn if you tell me" he laughs "it's not a crush is it?" He asks

I think about his words "it's not a crush is it?" They repeat in my head. "Crush" that words sends shivers down my spine. I think about Kayla again, I haven't known her long enough to even be her friend let alone having a crush on her. Besides, I like M.J.

"Of course not Harry, she's not even my friend as far as I'm concerned, I only really met her this morning" I say exaggerating the word 'really', Harry cocks his eyebrow "really?" He repeats my word "what do you mean by 'really'?" he asks. I explain to him that she's in most of my classes and that I've never really taken much notice of her let alone talked to her, then I explained the whole incident on the bus this morning and how she picked up my glasses for me and how I walked her into school, or rather with her to the school gates. Harry looks at me then smiles, "maybe it's someone who can help you get over M.J" I notice that sitting right in front of Harry and I are M.J and Flash. I turn to Harry who's laughing quietly and punch his arm "Harry!" I say and gesture to M.J, Harry starts to laugh a little louder therefore talking louder. "I don't understand Peter, what about M.J?" He starts to giggle, then I see M.J's head start to turn and she's facing towards Harry and I.

"Hey guys" she says cheerfully, "I heard my name, did one of you say something?" She questions, Harry is laughing too much to talk, he tries but just makes the situation worse. "Peter was just..." He starts to laugh "he really.." He tries to speak through his laughter making only half the sentence audible "and I think that..." He can't control himself and starts to laugh to much to even be able to talk, so I take over. "Sorry M.J he's just being stupid" I say elbowing Harry and giving him a look "anyway..." M.J cuts me off "I recognise you from somewhere" she says looking puzzled, I know she didn't mean to hurt me, but she's been living next to me for 11 years and still doesn't recognise me, "um , yeah, we're next door neighbours... Have been since you and I were six" I smile at her awkwardly but she doesn't seem to notice. "Oh. Wow, I'm sorry, I don't take much notice of what's happening around me... You must hear all that yelling then huh?" She asks, her smile fading, I'm about to answer when the bus starts to slow down and she turns back towards the front of the bus.

I look at Harry who still can't control his laughter and I hit his arm again. He looks at me still laughing "what?" He asks, I brush him off "I don't know how you missed it, the bus stopped, and we have to get off" I give him a smile and hearts up, his laughter slowing down. When Harry was done being hysterical we both stood up, everyone else was also preparing to get off the bus so it was crowded and hard to move. I feel someone shove me and I'm falling forwards, I then hit... Flash, he turns around and sees me regaining my balance and looks me in the eye. He grabs my shirt "do we have a problem Parker?" He asks, his face so close to mine I can smell the foul stench of his unbrushed teeth. "N-no. I just stumbled, I-I'm sorry" I stutter, he lets go of my shirt and pushes me back to where I was and I stumble back into the person who shoved me and quickly stand up again, I turn around to see who it is and they shove me back again. Harry catches me this time "you okay buddy? He smiles, at me then pats my back "you're okay. Let's get off this thing, I guess you're used to this then?" He asks, I'm about to answer but he's already walking. Rhetorical question.

Once Harry and I are finally off that thing that I could easily call the bully bus, we start head towards the laboratory when our trip leader or guide ~ he seems to call himself both, however to me he's neither, he's just some other classes science teacher ~ stops and turns towards us "remember what I said before we got on the bus" he's brief, I can stand him when he's brief, he turns around again and starts to walk. So does everyone else.

"You excited Harry?" I ask with a smile on my face "not as excited as you." He says without looking at me, I laugh. I see Mary Jane walking into the building with her somewhat popular friends, typical. I really like M.J but it hurts how she left me, her and I used to be friends when she first moved in next door, but ever since we got into high school our relationship ~ what ever it was, I know we were friends but I've liked Mary Jane since before I even knew I liked girls ~ drifted further and further apart the older we grew. She found new friends, I found none, I was too interested in books and such, I cared about my school work, however I did try to make friends after M.J found other people to hang out with, but no one liked me. So I was left on my own with nothing to do but study and read books.

I must've stopped walking without noticing because I feel someone pull on my arm "hurry up Pete" Harry pulls me "I thought this was you thing?" He tugs on my arm again and I stumble forward but regain balance and keep walking. "Sorry Harry I must've zoned out, I was thinking about something... It was weird" I say, Harry looks at me, "what were you thinking about?" He asks "M.J?" He giggles, "No!" I lie, I'm trying to come up with an excuse "what were you thinking about then Pete?" He asks kind of serious "I can't remember! I probably was thinking about spiders" I lie again. "C'mon Pete, I know you didn't forget, it's been, like what? Two seconds? You couldn't have forgotten" he pushes me, "you're right Harry I didn't forget, but now I can't seem to get it into my mind with all your annoying talking!" I laugh. "You're a dork Pete, but you're also my brother and I love you!" Harry says looking at the ground. I love Harry like a brother as well ~ we aren't actually brothers, just very, very close. Harry and I grew up together ~ I put my arm around his shoulders and give home a noogie in the side of the head, like he did to me this morning. He laughs "I've missed you Harry" I admit, "I've missed you too Pete" he smiles and without even realising we're already inside the laboratory.


Sorry it took so long, with Christmas just passing I've been busy and just got back from a holiday!
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Comment ideas for the story plot, they are more helpful then you think
I will try to stay updated. I have way too many ideas for this story XD

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