❤You actually care❤

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Y/N pov~
"So you guys actually included me in your conversation?" Minjee asked once again. She has been going on about meeting 'the vampire prince' that she won't keep quiet even for a while. Last night after explaining everything both Minjee and Jungkook were actually shocked and needed us to shake them to reality. I was afraid i lost my only friend for a moment but yeah thanks to macth she is okay just got a bit more talkative.

"We were knowing more about each other when I told him about you nothing more, stop over reacting already, you are talking a lot since yesterday I am afraid that lake had some effect on you" I said shaking my head in disbelief. "Geez okay. But i am still so happy crowned prince knows me" she said dreamily and for some reason I didn't like her being dreamy over him he is my soulmate my wolf growled inside me and I too felt a unstable feeling like I felt over protective wanting no one else to even talk about him, but I shrugged it off.

I should be prepared for tonight, he already won once but that won't happen again.

Taehyung pov~
"You should have told me earlier Tae hyung, i wouldn't have interrupted your alone time" Jungkook spoke once again still that teasing smirk visible in his face. He has been talking about how I and Y/N were the perfect couple, of course we are soulmates but his teasing is going on more than just necessary. "Yah Jungkookie how many times do I have to tell you that I just have competition with her and again we only meet up for grabbing the win." I said trying to knock it in his thick skull.

"Whatever you say Tae but I know you more than you know yourself and you wouldn't take this long to win and also you wouldn't stop me from being there if it was just a simple competition" he retorted back this time a look of winner in his face like he just won a whole battle.

"You know what think whatever you want" i said looking away because he was right he knew me more than I knew myself and if it was nothing more than just a competition to me I would have never stopped him from coming with me. He has been with me and gone everywhere I went with me and I never left him alone so this time when i let him alone he obviously knew something was more between us.

But we were just rivals but now its more 'soulmates' and I know what will come with it.

Any ways i started practice again because we have to find a winner.

Y/N pov~
I was now on my way to the hideout. Minjee didn't plan on following me there so i was glad for that. I was in my wolf form with a rather fast speed I was a bit late and I don't want him to tease me for that. I wasn't taking care of my surrounding.

"Ouch" the sudden pain on my paw stopped me from running anymore i saw a small but sharp wooden piece sticking out of my paw. Ignoring the pain I limped towards the lake.

End of pov

Taehyung waited for Y/N to come while he looked at the lake, he had asked Jungkook to join him but Jungkook told him that he didn't want to ruin his fun and that somehow had made Taehyung blush but he brushed it off. Taehyung heard some shuffling in the bushes so he turned to look at the wolf. He immediately knew it was Y/N because he got the vibrant colourful feeling in his heart maybe its a soulmate thingy Taehyung thought to himself.

"You are late Ms. Arrogant" Taehyung said with a chuckle. Y/N limped a step ahead accidentally brushing the wooden stick still stuck in her paw but what surprised both of them was both of them felt the pain. Taehyung winced making Y/N confused. "Yah what's wrong?" Y/N asked as she came to her human form. Taehyung looked at her with wide eyes confused at why he suddenly felt pain "did you get hurt or something?" He asked Y/N who was surprised by the question "how would you know?" She asked making Taehyung his head "show me your hand" Taehyung commanded her and for some reason she obliged without any argument.
Taehyung looked at the wound the wooden stick wasn't removed yet "this is gonna hurt a bit so get ready for a bit of pain" Taehyung said taking Y/N's hands in his. He held the end of wooden piece and with a small 'sorry' pulled out the stick at once making her scream in pain. "It will be okay now" Taehyung reassured her and Y/N weakly nodded her head in response. "Why don't you heal the wound? you're alpha after all" Taehyung asked Y/N confused that why the wound wasn't healed. "The wound is deep and I am not able to heal it because I am feeling weak right now" Y/N said her voice shaking a bit.

Taehyung thought for a bit before he looked at Y/N with a smile making Y/N confused by his sudden change in expression. "Do as I say." Taehyung said in a commanding tone before he showed the mark Y/N made on his neck on the other night. "Suck at the same spot where you made a mark and show me the mark I made on you" he said and Y/N loosened her dress a little to bring the mark on view.

Both of them leaned in and Y/N soon felt Taehyung's lips on the mark there was a sudden urge for her to moan but she compressed it and herself started to suck at the mark.

Taehyung pulled away and so did Y/N and surprisingly Y/N didn't feel any pain anymore, she looked at her hand to find it heal completely. Y/N looked at Taehyung who was smirking proudly. "How? What?!" Taehyung giggled at the confused form of Y/N showing his boxy smile "I learned it in one of the library books that if soulmates need some power or are unable to heal themselves sucking at the mark they have made on their soulmate will give them the power and healings" Taehyung said with a proud look like he just won a battle.

"Woah" that was all Y/N said before continuing "I knew nothing about soulmate before" she added making Taehyung chuckle he found the amused expression cute and it would be a lie if Y/N wasn't melting right there internally because of Taehyung.

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