Tawassul via phophet (saw)befor His birth

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this ebook is a text from minhaj which sheikh ul islam TAHIR ALQADRI wrote and published to make muslims out of misconception and misunderstanding. May Allah reward him with Janah.



1. Adam's intermediation

through the holy Prophet(SAW)

The process of intermediation through the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) is a continuous process and changes in fashion have never been able to hobble its popularity and effectiveness among the Muslims. It existed before his creation and during his physical life and it has continued to exist after his death and will continue to be popular and effective in future. It was Adam's practice to offer the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) as intermediary to Allah for the forgiveness of his lapses. When he chose the Prophet (S.A.W) as his intermediator, Allah condoned his act of disobedience. What could be a greater example of the immediate effectiveness of mediation when it is channelized through the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?

Tabarānī, Bayhaqī, Ibn-ul-Mundhir and Suyūtī narrated this tradition through 'Umar bin al-Khattāb and 'Alī(R.A) that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said, "Adam was just about to repent for his act of disobedience that he suddenly recalled in his state of anxiety that he had seen lā ilāha illallāhu Muhammad-ur-rasūlullāh (there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is Allah's Messenger) inscribed on the Throne at the time of his birth." It obviously meant that the distinction the Prophet (S.A.W) possesses is denied to others. That is the reason his name was inscribed along with Allah's Own name. At this, he added these words of intermediation to his prayer for divine forgiveness: (O Allah,) I beg Your forgiveness through the mediation of Muhammad (S.A.W).

The tradition related by Ibn-ul- Mundhir has the following words: O Allah, I beg Your forgiveness through Your beloved and most honoured servant Muhammad and through his distinction You have blessed him with.[1]

By the addition of these words of intermediation, the prophet Adam's repentance was accepted immediately. Allah said, "In fact, Muhammad is the most beloved of all My creatures. Since you have intermediated your petition through him, I have granted it. And were it not for Muhammad, I would not have created you." Tabarānī further adds that Allah said, "He is the Last Prophet among your children." Imam Hākim has phrased the tradition in these words: Narrated by 'Umar bin al-Khattāb(R.A): Allah's Messenger (S.A.W) said: When Adam committed the error, he submitted (to Allah): O Lord, I beg You to forgive me through the mediation of Muhammad. Then Allah said: O Adam! How did you recognize Muhammad as I have not created him yet? He replied: O Lord, when You created me with Your divine hand and breathed Your soul into me, I raised my head and saw 'lā ilāha illallāhu Muhammad-ur- rasūlullāh (there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is Allah's Messenger)' inscribed on each pillar of the Throne. I discovered that with Your name, the name of only such a person can be associated who is Your most beloved of all the creatures. At this Allah said: O Adam, you have said it correctly. Of all the creatures I love him the most. Now when you offered your prayer through his mediation, I forgave you. And if Muhammad were not there, I would not have created even you.[2]

The tradition was transmitted through many chains and was related by Bayhaqī in Dalā'il-un-nubuwwah (5:489); Tabarānī in al-Mu'jam-ul- awsat (7:259#6498) and al-Mu'jam- us-saghīr (2:82-3) with another chain containing sub-narrators unknown to Haythamī as he stated it in Majma'-uz- zawā'id (8:253); Ibn 'Asākir in Tahdhīb tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr generally known as Tārīkh/Tahdhīb Ibn 'Asākir (2:359-60); Ibn Kathīr, al- Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (1:131; 2:291-2); and Ibn Hajar Haythamī in al-Jawhar-ul-muazzam (p.61);. This tradition is declared sahīh (sound) by Imam Hākim, though he acknowledges 'Abd-ur-Rahmān bin Zayd bin Aslam, one of its sub- narrators, as weak. However, when he mentions it he says, "Its chain is sound, and it is the first hadith of 'Abd-ur-Rahmān bin Zayd bin Aslam which I mention in this book." Imam Bulqīnī also declares this tradition sound in his Fatāwā.