"Falling Inside the Black."

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Catra's (POV)

*step* *step* *step*

I felt balls of sweat drip down my forehead with my heart beating out of my chest as I was led to the front of the pit of what looked like acid. My hands were tired behind my back with horde cuffs. I gulped as Horde Prime sat high and mighty in front of the pit in his chair, his clones standing by. I looked down at the pit, a look of disgust was stuck on my face. The green liquid bubbled with hot ooze spitting up in the air before falling back into the pit. I felt my eyes widen as the steam from the pit rose to my face. 

"Catra," I heard Prime speak, "you are here because you betrayed your allegiance with me and your fellow brothers, and let Queen Glimmer escape. How do you plead?" 

"Guilty." I smirked a bit at him.

"Why do you laugh, little sister?" 

"Because. It doesn't matter what you do to me, you're not getting your hands on Adora! Ever!" Horde Prime growled and raised his hand.


With a snap of his fingers, one of his clones pushed me closer to the pit, but not close enough to fall in.

"I'm loosing my patience with you, little sister." He rests his fingers against his head with his five eyes closed. I felt my ears flatten when he turns back to look at me.

"So I was correct when I said that Adora means something to you. Was I not?" He smiled a devilish grin. His green teeth staring back at me.

"It doesn't matter! Whether she means something or not to me doesn't matter! You'll never get her here! Cause I know for a fact that I mean nothing to her." 

"Then why do you hope she'll come for you?" I felt the color drain from my face when he said that. He was in my head, he knew what I was thinking. As much as I hate to say it, I did hope that Adora would come for me, but I was willing to do what I had to to keep her safe. Even if it meant falling in a pit of acid. I wiggled my hands in the cuffs to see if I could slip out of them at all. I couldn't.

"Last chance, little sister. Tell us where she is, and I won't do this to you." I bite my lip before I growled a deep growl at Horde Prime.

"PUSH ME IN! DO IT YOU COWARD! SHOW US ALL WHAT A POWERFUL RULER YOU ARE!" Horde Prime smiled a cold smile that sent chills down my spine, and made my tail extend with my fur standing on edge. 

"Disappointing. I was expecting more of a fight from you, little sister. But not to worry, I can still make a good solider out of you yet." At that moment I felt Prime's clone pick me up by the neck and held me there for a moment, to the point where I couldn't breathe. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks as the clone tossed me in the pit. Heat surrounded my body, burning my skin, and making me itch. I swam up words before any of the liquid could get in my eyes. But no matter how hard I tried to keep my head up, I felt myself sinking farther and farther down the pit. All I could do was reach out to Horde Prime. My skin felt like it was on fire, as if I was being burned alive. My tail felt numb, it was as if it fell off. I was afraid that it did for a minute. Sharp pain covered my body as I sank deeper. I screamed in pain right before my head finally sank below the surface and the liquid filled my eyes.

My eyes burned and stung as soon as the liquid touched them. It was like I was shot in the eyes with an arrow. I tried to close them, but I couldn't. It hurt more to close them then keep them open. I tried to hold my breath as I sank deeper down the pit, but the more pain I was in, the harder it was to not scream out in agony. Finally I couldn't hold it much longer. I opened my mouth to scream, letting the air bubbles I held out of my mouth. I watched helplessly as they floated to the top of the pit. My chest burned greatly as the liquid filled my lungs. It felt as if I was having a heart attack but ten times worse. A part of me was sure I was going to see blood come from my mouth, and I was shocked when I didn't see any. My limbs started to feel numb, like all the nerves I had in my body were dying, and soon I was convinced I wouldn't be able to feel anything. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad thing. Although I couldn't see them in the liquid, I knew tears were leaving my eyes, making them sting more. 

My head started to feel like it was about to explode from all the pressure around my body from sinking so far down. It was impossible to still be sinking, I saw someone go in the pit before, it wasn't that deep! So how could I still be sinking? My eyes were growing heavy, and my head ached. It felt as if a heart beat was in my head cause of how much it was pounding. With my feet, I kick off my red head piece to see if it would help relief some of the pressure. It didn't. I just watched as it sank down to the unknown depths below me. My eyes grew heavy, my body felt weak. I felt like I was dying. I thought I was dying. 

'This is it,' I thought to myself, 'this is how I die. And I never got to tell Adora how I felt. Now she'll never know.' I closed my eyes and let my heavy body sink to the bottom of the pit. 


My eyes shot open and with a loud gasp, I sat up straight in the bed I was lying on. I felt up and down my body to see if what I went through was a dream. It clearly wasn't, my body was naked, and covered in the green liquid. I felt my head, and noticed that my hair was much shorter than it was before. I look around the room, and saw I was in a prison cell, and in the corner was Horde Prime with two clones with him.

"Ah, you're awake little sister." My blood ran cold as he approached me, holding a small chip in his hand. 

"What's that?"

"Something to help you relax." His two clones grabbed hold on me and turned me over on my stomach. I kicked and hissed as one of them held my head down to the bed. Although I couldn't see him, I knew Horde Prime was over my neck. My eyes widen and filled with tears as I felt a very sharp pain in the back of my neck. As if he was cutting into my neck. That's cause he was. 

"AHHHH!" I screamed out before one of his clones covered my mouth. Horde Prime continued to cut into my neck as I screamed a muffled scream in agony. I felt blood drip down my neck and onto the bed as Prime worked. 

"There, there, little sister. It will be over soon." Prime chuckled. I felt pricks and pulls on the back of my neck as well as a few sharp pains here and there. Finally, with one finally deep, sharp pain, it was over. The clone moved his hand from my mouth.

"What did you do to-" I stopped in mid-sentence as my mind drew a blank. I couldn't think anymore. I could still see, but my vision was blurry for a moment before all I could see. Everything around me was green. Almost like I was snow blind. I could move my body though, it was like I was in autopilot. 

"How do you feel, Catra?" I heard Prime smirk.

"I feel wonderful now, Horde Prime. Thank you." What did I just say?! My mouth was moving, and it was my voice speaking, but it wasn't me talking. 

"Are you going to help me catch She-Ra?"

"Of course." 

"You will no longer fight against me, but rather beside me?"

"I would not dream of disobeying you, Horde Prime. It would be an honor to stand beside you."

"Wonderful to hear, little sister," Prime turned to his clones, "Take her back to her room, and get her dressed. We'll get her when She-Ra is here." The clones took hold of me, and led me back to my room. As we walked down the hall way, I could tell that I was smiling, even if I wasn't happy. I was anything but. The pain I felt, the emotions I had, all the thoughts that I had were gone. As if they never even existed. It was hard to believe that after all of that, I was smiling. I refused to think that I was happy. But I knew that I was in no condition to feel anything but what Horde prime wanted me to feel. Despite my smile, I felt a few tears drip down my cheeks.


I was walking beside two of Prime's clones as we walked up to his chair, and in front of him was Adora standing there, her fist clenched tightly, her face was a face of anger. Her eyes however softened when she saw me walk into the room with the two clones. I was now wearing the same kind of clothes they clones wore, but much smaller. My freshly cut hair was slicked back like all the other clones, and a hood on my head. After walking a few feet over to Prime and Adora I stopped and stood there for a moment. I felt a smile form on my face again as I removed my hood. 

"Hello Adora." 


Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed this! If you guys wanted a part 2 let me know in the comments! 

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