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This was one fiery princess! She was way too fiesty to be a princess I thought.

"Oh my, I apologise for my rakish behaviour young one. If you pose a threat I counter and defend myslef it is called basic self-defence you know."

"I told you to take your filthy hands off me. It is your own fault. enjoy your reward for disobeying me." she said in a could icy tone.

she spun out of my grip and in one smooth movement took the hilt of her sword and pulled out her katana and then held it out in her left hand. I jumped away form her and pulled out my own Rapier and Scimitar swords and held them cross handed and in a slow motion spun in a circle until my feet were hovering above the ground and without waiting to see if she would attack I lunged foward at her and landing softly behind her, she twirled around and began a slow dance with her sword, sparks of electicity and thunder began flashing in the sky her eyes were tunnels that were endless. She stepped towards me and the katana's tip of the blade straight at my heart, with a tiger grace she charged foward and thrust the sword across my chest in a circular motion. I ducked beneath the sword and used my left one to knock her weapon out of her hand.

She stood there with a horrified expression on her face and then a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, her hand reached towards the sky and then I realised that she was holding a ball of flashing blue light in her hand, her eyes were as grey as thunder hair billowing in the wind like a curtian around her.she plunged the ball of light straight at my face, I immediately flew backwards and with a click of my fingers I disappeared in midair and followed behind her, trailing her footsteps I reappeared and then whistled for my Black stallion and Which emerged racing from the cover of the trees and then too hold of her waist and hoisted her up and myself after her and the took hold of the reins and we were shooting in the air. The stallion Raced up the ptivate path to my quaters and stopped in front of the stables and I jumped doen and took the princess by the hand and led her inside. She was struggling again and I said in a low menancing tone "if you know whats good for you then you had better stop doing what you are doing right NOW princess!".

Then I called for my valet and asked him to find the head maid and prepare fresh garments for myslef. He went out with a deep bow and hurried away, as he departed I turned to the princess and I told her to take a seat " You may take a seat and we can discuss this properly with refreshments and with my advisors in front of the council."

She replied in a qucik rasp "This is a personal matter PrInce or should I say king. You dare to refuse my request and then wilol publicly insult me infron of you avisors. It is not what I came for or hoped. I shall depart immedialtey and eave for my kingdiom. Don't worry I will not burden you with my presence any longer, and the enagement is off whether I am executed or not." with that she tuned to go and grabbed the handle of the door but it was locked. "Release me, or I declare war on YOUR NATION!"

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