Ok...... Um......Hi! I'm Skylar Moore. More Specifically, a stupid, gay, cat loving, YouTube watching, genderfluid, tiktok making, Politic loving, atheist, artist, single bitch
So....Yeah. I mean, Since your here (For some reason) I'll tell you a little about myself
-My Full Name is Skylar Evelyn Miera Moore
-13 years on this sucky planet
-My Birthday is February 8th
- Aquarius
-My favorite color is Black
-I got 2 Fat ass cats
-I'm from Yee-hoe North Dakota
-I'm 5'2
- Low key want a girlfriend
-I got big ass feet for some reason
- I have atleast 30 pairs of shoes
-I have an entire 2 hour long spotify playlist made ONLY for Cavetown
-The Bedlam is the greatest horror antagonist
-I weigh like 80 pounds but somehow I still look fat
-Kids are gross
-I hate the concept of socks
-I like Thursdays for no reason
-My type is someone who can make good mac & Cheese
- I'm Brittney Bitch
-I'm African-American
-I have 2 younger siblings
-My friends are my only family
-My parents suck
-I have an unreasonable obsession with Pigeons
-My longest relationship lasted a week
-I'm bad at commitment
-I've fallen for way too many straight girls
-Scorpio Moon
-I'm Tired

Learning Skylar
AléatoireJust Me, My cat, and some Mild crippling depression. Don't read this if you have any self respect