Ace Part One: A Jack of all trades

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Who am I? What am I? I am Agent Ace a non-binary, asexual agent. And oh baby does HQ think I can shape shift? Yes, absolutely I get asked to turn into a dragon daily. It's annoying. They call me Ace because I am the ace up their sleeve. And this is my story. Let's start at the beginning... I'm walking down the halls of my home state's main base of operations. My raven black hair pulled neatly back as to keep it out of the way for missions. My cyan blue contacts covering my seaweed green eyes. My thin and short frame making it easy to get into places that the others cant. I did ice hockey growing up back in Canada so I can take a hit. But I also did figure skating so I'm flexible. I have a scar that goes straight over the left side if my lip from an accident with one of my ice blades. And I'm the best that they have in this agency. So when I hear a voice call out to me... I halt right in my tracks is it another mission?

"Hey! Ace! Wait up!" Agent Jack aka Jack of all trades trys to catch up to me. He is good at everything but master of nothing. He can fly you from L.A. to Japan but as well as a beginner. "Damn you walk fast..." He says trying to catch his breath from basically running down the corridor. I cant tell if he's being his over dramatic self or if he's being serious. His ginger hair a mess from running. When I tilt his head toward me his deep blue eyes are wild looking everywhere. What is he looking for? He's wearing an outfit that I cant tell if it was made for a pole dancer or a over the top amateur wrestler. He's also my only "friend". I'm always on the move so I don't talk to that may people and those I do I dont keep around for long, but he kept following me around base like a lost puppy... And eventually I gave in...

"What's wrong, Agent Jack?" I ask in a hurried tone. I just want to go home, take a shower, eat food and watch TV. But that all gets throwen out the window with what he says next.

"Prisoner....escape....lower levels...." He said through his gasps. My eyes widen. I grab his wrist and pull him with me as I run toward the staircase leading down to the lower prison levels in our base. He keeps slowing down he must be tired.

"You're tired. Hop on my back." And to my surprise he's really light. "Dieting? Again? You're coming home with me tonight and eating food. Real food." He moves to protest. "Nope, shut it. You don't get a say in the matter." Down the last few stairs we go... What the fuck...

Ace Part One: A Jack of all trades done

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