Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

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Snow White: Miyuki
The Evil Queen: Majorina
The Huntsman: Wolfrun
The Dwarfs: Akane, Yayoi, Nao, and Reika
The Prince: Toyoshima Hidekazu

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Snow White. She is known for being cheerful, energetic and a bit of a klutz. Everyone loved her, except for her step mother, The Queen. She was second wife of Snow White's father before he died. She was cruel, vain and selfish. She was extremely jealous of Snow White's beauty. She owned a magical mirror and would stand before it and ask, "Magical Mirror on the wall, name the fairest of them all." The mirror always responded that she was the fairest in the land.

But one day, when she asked the mirror who was the fairest in the land as usual, it said that Snow White was the fairest in the land! "But, how? How could she possibly be fairer than me?!" She exclaimed in anger. "Looks aren't everything in this world. This girl's true beauty is her smile. That is what makes her the fairest in the land." The mirror explained. "Well, that won't be the case for long!" She burst out the door in anger.

A little while later, The Queen's loyal huntsman came to her. "You needed me, your majesty?" "As a matter of fact I do. I have a very important task for you today. Snow White is causing me some trouble today, so I need you to take her into the woods and kill her!" "What?! You certainly can't be serious! I can't kill her!" "Oh yes you can! Unless you want to get fired, you're going to exactly as I say! Do you understand?" The huntsman lowered his head in defeat. "Yes, your majesty." "Good. Off you go now."

Later that day, the huntsman did as the Queen asked and took Snow White into the forest with him. "It's so sunny and bright out today! I feel so ultra happy!" She smiled as she looked up at the sky. All at once, something caught her attention. "Oh! I look at all those pretty flowers!" She gushed as she ran towards them. "These remind me of the ones I've seen in a picture book called the Princess of Flowers!" With Snow White distracted, the huntsman pulled out his dagger and crept towards her. Right when she was about to pick a few of the flowers, she turned around and saw the huntsman right in front of her, with his dagger aimed high.

She let out a scream which caused the huntsman to fall to his knees. "I'm so sorry! I just can't do it! I could never harm an innocent angel like you!" He sobbed. "I don't understand. What's going on?" She asked. "Your stepmother made me do this. She wants to kill you, because she is envious of you!" "My stepmother?!" "You have to run far away from here and never return! It's the best I can do to save you! Now, run!" Snow White dashed into the forest, running as fast as she could. She kept tripping over every now and then, but she was determined and kept on going.

Eventually, she came across a small clearing in the woods. There in the middle of the clearing, stood a small little house in the shape of a tree stump. "Maybe I can ask someone there for help!" She thought to herself. She walked towards the house, admiring the beautiful scenery around it and stood by the front door. She knocked at the door, but no one answered. She knocked again, but still no one answered. She then realized that the door was open and she crept inside. "Hello? Anyone here?" She called. There was silence. She crept into the kitchen, where she saw some food laid out on the table.

"Oh! That looks so good!" She exclaimed. "I'm so hungry! I'm sure they won't mind if I have a little bit of their food." After she was satisfied, she crept upstairs and saw four little beds lined out, that had names carved on them. "Sunny, Peace, March, and Beauty. Those are cute names!" Snow White yawned and laid down on a few of the beds. Soon enough, she was fast asleep.

A little while later, the owners of the house returned from a nice outing. Four little dwarfs named Sunny, Peace, March and Beauty lived in the house and always considered themselves family. But when they arrived at the house, they noticed that something wasn't right. "Look! The doors open!" said Peace. "And the lights are on!" March exclaimed. "There's someone in there!" Sunny exclaimed. "Let's calm down now." said Beauty. "Let's investigate this!" The girls walked quietly into the house. They noticed that some of their food was missing. "Yep! Someone was definitely here!" said Sunny. "Let's check upstairs." Beauty suggested.

They quietly tiptoed up the stairs and to the bedroom. There they saw someone fast asleep in their beds. "Who is that?" Peace wondered. They stepped closer and noticed that it was a girl! "Wow! It's a girl!" Sunny exclaimed. "She looks like a princess." said March. "Let's not wake her up. We'll find out more in the morning." said Beauty. The next day, Snow White awoke to see the dwarfs standing right next to her. "Oh! Hello there!" She said. They introduced themselves to Snow White and she introduced herself. "So, you're Snow White? The Princess?" asked Sunny. "That's right. I came here because my stepmother wants to kill me." "Don't worry, princess! We won't let that happen!" said March. "Why don't you stay with us, Snow White? We'll keep you safe from her." said Beauty. "You really mean it?" Snow White asked. "Of course!" "Why, thank you all so much! I am very grateful!"

Meanwhile, the huntsman had told the Queen that Snow White was dead. The Queen was very happy, so she stood before her mirror and asked, "Magical Mirror on the wall, name the fairest of them all." But instead of answering what she expected, she was told that Snow White was still the fairest in the land. The mirror always told the truth, which meant that the huntsman had lied to her! "Ugh! If I want Snow White killed, I'll have to do it myself!"

She stormed down to her secret chamber and slammed the door. She opened a book of evil recipes and looked through the book. "A poisoned apple! This will work nicely!" She said with a smile. She dipped a juicy red apple into a bubbling potion and put it in a basket with other apples. "Now I need a good disguise!" She put together another potion, which turned her into a small old woman. "Snow White will never suspect that's its me!" She cackled. "When she takes a bite of the poisoned apple, Snow White will fall into a deep sleep and never wake up!"

Later that day, before the dwarfs headed off on their daily outings, they warned Snow White to not let anyone in the house. "Don't worry, I'll be careful!" said Snow White, as she waved them farewell. The girls had left, Snow White started to tidy up the house a little bit. After a little while, she heard a knock at the door. She opened the door to find a small old lady standing right by her, with a basket of apples in her arm.

"Hello there! How do you do?" She greeted her. "Very well, thank you." She replied. "I just wanted to offer you a nice delicious apple." "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't have any money." "Don't worry about it. You can take one for free." "I'm not sure. I was told not to take things from strangers." "Oh I'm sure they won't mind if you just took one." She handed her the poisoned apple and she couldn't resist the juicy red deliciousness. She lifted the apple to her mouth and took a bite. "Oh, I don't feel good." She gasped. She knelt to the ground, clenching her stomach until at last she fell to the ground. "Finally! Now I'll be the fairest in the land!" She exclaimed with pride.

A little while later, when the girls returned home, they saw Snow White laying still on the ground. When they saw the poisoned apple, they knew what had happened. They sadly carried Snow White to a clearing in the woods and laid her in a coffin made of gold and silver. They would mourn for Snow White everyday by her coffin for many days. But one day, a handsome prince was wandering through the woods and saw Snow White fast asleep in the coffin. He was astounded by her beauty and asked the dwarfs who she was. They explained that she was a princess from the neighboring kingdom. He asked if he could bid farewell to her and they agreed. He slowly opened the coffin and gazed at her. "I would have loved to meet you, Princess." He said softly. "Rest in peace, Princess."

He kneeled down and kissed her farewell. Suddenly, Snow White slowly began to open her eyes. The prince stared in disbelief, as she sat up and yawned. "What happened?" She asked. "Where am I?" The prince explained who he was and what had happened. Everyone celebrated the return of Snow White, including the prince. Later that day, the Queen asked the mirror again, "Magical Mirror on the wall, name the fairest of them all." But instead of answering that she was the fairest, it replied, "The fairest of them all is still alive and standing right before you." She turned around and saw Snow White with the prince and dwarfs glaring at her. "You! How are you still alive?!" She exclaimed. "I killed you with a poisoned apple!" "Maybe you be careful who you mess with!" She responded as she took out her Smile Pact. "Precure Smile Charge! Twinkling and shining, the light of the future! Cure Happy!" "Now, Snow White. We can work this out!" She said, nervously. "Precure Happy Shower!" She blasts the energy towards the Queen, purifying her permanently.

After that, Snow White became the new Queen of the castle after she married the prince. She ruled her kingdom with a warm smile much better than her stepmother did. The dwarfs have now moved into the castle and remained friends with Snow White. And they all lived happily ever after.

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