Little Red Riding Hood

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Little Red Riding Hood: Yayoi
Mother: Chiharu Kise
The Wolf: Wolfrun
The Huntsman: Pop

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood. She was called that because she always wore a red riding hood that her grandmother had given her. Little Red Riding Hood was pure and sweet. She loved drawing, superheroes and animals. She was so precious that everyone in the town loved her.

One day, her mother called her in while she was playing outside. "Little Red Riding Hood, I need you take this basket of food to your grandmother. She isn't feeling well, so can't cook for herself." She said as she handed her the basket. "Now make sure you walk straight to your grandmother's house and do not talk to strangers. Understand?" "Don't worry," She said. "I'll be careful!" "Okay, take care then." Her grandmother lived in a small cottage in the woods, which was a few miles away from the village.

Just as she entered the woods, she was approached by a giant wolf. "Why hello there, little girl!" The wolf greeted. "Oh, hello!" said Little Red Riding Hood. "How do you do?" "I'm doing quite well, thank you." "Where are you off to today?" "I'm taking a basket of food to my grandmother. She's gotten sick and can't cook for herself." "What are you bringing her?" "I'm bringing her some sandwiches, some fruit, some cookies and some water." "Oh, that sounds good! Your grandmother is really going to like it! So, where does your grandmother live?"

"She lives at the end of the woods. Her house has a red roof and is surrounded by flowers. It's almost impossible to miss." "I see." What Little Red Riding Hood didn't know was that the wolf was a monstrous creature. He was always hunting down and eating any living being who stepped one foot in the forest. And today, it was no different. Right after Little Red Riding Hood told him the location, he quickly came up with a devious plan. He would find a way to get to her grandmothers house before her and eat her grandmother. Then he would wait for Little Red Riding Hood to arrive and eat her up as well.

"Say, there are a bunch of lovely flowers here. Wouldn't your grandmother like some flowers to go along with her meal?" "Oh! You're right! She does like flowers. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to pick a few before heading to grandma's house." "Well then, I guess this is where we part. It was nice talking to you, goodbye." "Goodbye!" As Little Red Riding Hood started picking flowers, the wolf ran down the trail to the end of the woods where he came across her grandmother's house.

He walked up to the door and knocked. "Who is it?" The grandmother asked. The wolf cleared his throat and responded, "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood! I've brought some food for you today!" "The door is open, so come on in." The wolf turned the doorknob and opened the door. As soon as he walked in, he lunged to the grandmother's bed and swallowed her whole. Afterwards he dressed himself in some of her clothes and laid down in the bed. Meanwhile, Little Red Riding Hood has been picking flowers for quite some time that she forgot all about her grandmother.

She ran as fast as she could through the woods and arrived at the house. She was surprised to see the door wide open, but she didn't think much of it. "Grandma! I've brought you some food!" "I was wondering when you'd show up! Just place it on the counter over there." She placed the basket on the counter and approached the bed. "Uh, grandma? You look different." "What are you talking about, my child?" "What's going on with your ears? There's sticking straight up." "All the better to hear your cute voice, my child!" "Your eyes look kind of bigger." "All the better to see your beautiful smile, my cupcake!"

"Oh my! Your teeth are awfully big and pointy!" "All the better to eat you with, my child!" Right as he said that, the wolf lunged from the bed and swallowed Little Red Riding Hood in one gulp. "Now that's what I call a meal!" The wolf exclaimed. He had begun to feel really sleepy, so he laid back down on the bed and fell asleep. Fortunately, a local huntsman had heard the commotion from the house and walked over to investigate. When he walked in, he saw the wolf fast asleep in the bed. "What on earth?!" He exclaimed.

As he walked closer, he heard muffled voices from the wolf's stomach. He determined that the wolf must have swallowed them whole, so he took out his axe and cut him open. After a while, Little Red Riding Hope and her grandma climbed out and were free. "Thank you for saving us!" The grandmother said to the huntsman. "Oh, it's nothing! I was just passing by!" "I'm so sorry, grandma! This was my fault! I talked to that wolf on my way to see you and I let him trick me." "It's okay, my child. But now you that you must never talk to strangers. Now let's have some lunch!"

The huntsman stitched the wolf back up and took him far away where he could never harm them again. After Little Red Riding Hood came home that day, she had so much to tell her mother. She had learned her lesson well and had never talked to strangers at all. She is still just as cheery as she was before, but now she is much more cautious when it comes to people. Even so, she continued to live her life happily where she'd never have to face the wolf ever again. With that, they all lived happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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