~Will You Stay?~ Part 2

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* Dabi's pov *

Hawks dragged me to my bedroom, pushed me on the bed, and hovered over me with a drunken smirk " let's play with fire, Hot stuff~" Hawks purred. I felt uneasy... Like this was wrong.
I pushed him off by his chest gently while sitting up and I saw his face drop in disbelief and confusion" what's wrong?.. " he asked and I sighed " I... This.. isn't right. You're drunk, you dont really want this. It's the alcohol talking " I got up " lay down and sleep.. I'm staying up a while longer" I mumbled and glanced back at him. Hawks looked upset and disappointed while he looked down at his hands that gripped the sheet slightly " alright.. Fine" he said and laid down, his back to me and his wings covering himself like a blanket. I watched him for a moment before walking off and out of the room. I felt bad inside but I knew i did it for his sake.

// Next Moring!\\

* Hawks's pov *
I woke up with a killer headace and groggy, slow and stiff. I sat up with a hand to my head, to try and keep my brain from spinning it felt like, and opened my eyes to look around. I wasn't home or anywhere I know, but the scent was familiar, cheap calone and a hint of burnt flesh.. Dabi! My eyes cought a glass of water an a bottle of some kind of medicine. I got up slowly and groaned from the throbbing pain in my head " how much did I drink?.." I mumbled and picked up the bottle, reading it then opening it. I took two and swallowed it with the water then stumbled out of the room to the little bar area where Dabi had fallen asleep. His arm's acted like a pillow for his head, a shot glass next to him and his hair untamed and messy. I chuckled softly and walked over, sitting next to him and laid my head down the same way so we were face to face. Gently, I brushed the hair out of his face and behind his ear before clearing my throat and pulled my hand away " wake up, Dabi.." I said softly and he groaned " nnnnah.. five minites. And dont touch me." he mumbled and rolled his head over so it faced down in his arms. I found that cute and smiled softly " nOoOoOo, wake up.. You need to fix your hair. It's all nasty" I teased and he stayed quiet for a moment before pulling his head up and blinking lightly from the bright lights " piss off... You horny basturd." I was confused by this and asked " what? Horny?.. I mean you're right but what do you mean by that?" He, once again, didn't say anything for a moment then looked at me with his teal blue, sleepy, eyes " nothing.. You had what you wanted last night, a drink with me, now go away" he said and got up, fixing his hair how he liked it. I pouted " no!" I stated and he stopped, his hands freezing where they were at like something in him was triggered. He looked at me and something in his face told me... That wasn't the right answer " ...No?.."

Uh oh...

( hey! Im back from the dead y'all! Idk when I'm gonna post part 3 but let me know when I should! Kk, byeeee!)

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