Chapter 40 (Hoodie)

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Sana woke up, feeling a heavy arm wrapped around her waist. She looked to her side and saw Taehyung, sleeping peacefully.

She looked at Taehyung's sleeping face, caressing it.

'Heart, do you think he'll help me heal the pains? Do you think he's the one?' Sana thought


They ended their dinner at 9:35pm. Both of them had fun, talking to each other and enjoying each other's company. It's been a while since they had dinner together. Plus the simpleness of the dinner just made them feel at ease. Thought it's only at BTS's dorm, they still enjoyed it since they had delicious dishes cooked by Jin and the fact that they're dressed up perfectly made it look like a real dinner date at a fancy restaurant.

They're already in the main door, watching the heavy rain.

"It's raining hard. Do you think you can manage to drive home safely? You're driving back and forth" Sana said

"It's okay, atleast I know I drove you home safely" Taehyung said and was about to open the glass door but was stopped by Sana

"It's okay. I can just tell Jihyo about it" Sana said

"If it's safer for you" Taehyung said

"I'll just call her" Sana said and Taehyung nodded

Sana dialed Jihyo's number and fortunately, the leader picked up.


"Yes, unnie? Are you perhaps on your way here? But it's raining hard"

"Well, about that, I was thinking maybe I could just spend the night here? It's raining heavily. Is that okay?"

"It's okay, unnie as long as you two are safe. Just come back tomorrow morning"

"I will" Sana said and ended the call

Then, they went back to the dorm.

"I thought Sana's going home?" Jin asked, confused as to why Sana's still here

"She's spending the night here. It's raining heavily outside" Taehyung explained

"Oh, okay. So, uhhh.... just make yourself at home, Sana-ssi" Jin said

"You can sleep at Taehyung's room, Sana-ssi. It's not like it's your first time sleeping here" Jimin said, winking at Taehyung

"If that's okay with him" Sana said

"It's okay" Taehyung said

Then, they said good nights to each other. Sana and Taehyung went to Tae's room.

"Uh... Tae, do you have clothes? For me?" Sana asked

"Yeah. I still have your pajamas here" Taehyung said and took out Sana's pajamas

He handed her the pajamas and Sana gladly took it. She went to the bathroom and started changing. When she opened the door after changing, she saw Taehyung handing her a hoodie.

"I know you like sleeping with a hoodie on and since you don't have your hoodie, just wear instead" Taehyung explained and Sana gladly accepted the hoodie and wore it

"Thanks, Tae" Sana said and laid on the bed

"I must be the one thanking you, Sana-yah" Taehyung smiled, "for bringing back your trust to me"

End of flashback

Taehyung suddenly opened his eyes, meeting Sana's. Sana immediately stopped caressing. Taehyung at smiled at her.

"Good morning" Taehyung said with his morning voice

This made Sana's heart flutter. It's been really a long while since they greeted each other with 'good morning'.

"Good morning, Tae" Sana said, smiling back

Then, they heard a knock, "breakfast!" They already knew who it was, Jin.

"You go take a shower first and don't worry about the clothes. You left a lot of your clothes here" Taehyung said, chuckling

"Here" Taehyung said, handing the clothes and towel to Sana

Sana went to the bathroom and took a shower. After it, she brushed her teeth using the toothbrush she and Taehyung bought in the past. Then, she changed quickly, wore the hoodie back and went out. She combed her hair using the comb she left here in Taehyung's room before.

"I'll just take a shower. You go ahead first" Taehyung said and Sana nodded

Sana went out, seeing the BTS members already eating in the dining table.

"Sana-ssi, take a breakfast first" Jin offered

"I--" Sana's words were not finished when Jimin interrupted her, "it's okay, my sister Jihyo told me it's better if you have breakfast here first"

Then, Sana approached the table and sat on the chair. Then, she started eating. Taehyubng went out of his room and ate breakfast with Sana and the others.

After eating, Sana went back to Taehyung's room to get her dress back.

Then, they were off to go.

[outside JYP building]

"Thank you again, Tae" Sana said

"Thank you for accepting my dinner and second chance offer, Sana-yah" Taehyung smiled

Sana smiled, "I'll go now"

Taehyung nodded and Sana got off the car. He didn't drive away yet since he's till checking Sana if she went inside the building safely. Suddenly, Sana turned around and waved at Taehyung. Taehyung waved back. Then, Sana went inside the buidling. Taehyung drove away.

[TWICE dorm]

TWICE members are already done eating breakfast and now, they're waiting for Sana to come back.

A knock was heard and Jihyo opened it, seeing a happy squirrel.

"Welcome back, unnie" Jihyo said, hugging Sana

Sana went inside and the girls hugged her. Jihyo closed the door and went to her members and joined the group hug.

"So, how was it?" Nayeon asked, letting go of the hug

"It was great! Like, really great" Sana said, sitting on the couch

"So, how did you manage to get clothes?" Dahyun asked

"I still have my left over clothes there in Taehyung's room" Sana answered

"And the hoodie?" Jeongyeon asked

'Omo! I forgot to give him his hoodie back' Sana thought

Here's an update.
I hope you guys like this chapter😊
Thank you for reading💕

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