ċһѧƿṭєя 5

898 23 220

Wonderbolts Headquarters
8.37 pm

Stop grumbling, this is important.

Soarin was sitting on the chair of yet again Spitfire's office, which was a place he was trying to avoid going into twice this very day but Cele- Twilight had other plans for him, and was waiting for his captain to stop talking with Fire Streak who was reporting every single thing he learned from the delivery pony to her.

It was starting to irritate him more and more as the seconds passed. Not to mention his empty stomach was literally protesting against him for not finishing his dinner and rushing to Spitfire's office with her to read the letter as soon as possible. But the letter, it was important! Because, well... it was related to their work. Still, his mood wasn't getting any better as he looked towards the duo once again and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Wait, what? Annoyance? Soarin, he is just doing his job, stop being like this and be patient.

Although it really was pointless to be impatient and the stallion, who was waiting for the other to finish his reporting to his captain, knew that; he couldn't help but still grouch about the fact that how long it was taking them, his reasonable thoughts getting silenced by those ones in the process.

But only when the impatient co-captain noticed that he was tapping his left hind hoof to the hard, polished cloud surface beneath him that he stopped thinking altogether; realising how stupid he was to even consider those irrational thoughts. So he did the right thing to do, and waited.

And waited.

And then stood up to get a cup of cold water from the carboy that was situated in the office's small kitchen, compared to the one in their lounge which was at the top floor of the 'Quarters.

He made his way to the kitchen and briefly glanced to his left, at the carboy, to see that it was packed to the brim; meaning that the cups were newly washed and placed and continued trotting forward to the cabinets that were right in front of the door that opened right to the kitchen. He took a glass and rinsed it under the sink, that was placed under the cabinets. Got himself his glass that was full of cold water. And made his way back to the main office.

Where Spitfire was still talking to Fire Steak.

Or so he thought as Spitfire gave him a salute and Fire Streak took his leave.

Ah, they finished the report.

Spitfire shuffled her wings, before making her way to her desk and sitting on her comfortable chair. Looking at the scroll that was in her hooves all the while.

She glanced to her companion in the office and went for her mug, trying to forget about her hunger with the bitter taste of her strong coffee.

Before Soarin could ask, she opened her mouth to speak.

"Fire Streak opened the scroll already, to see the signature at the end of it and confirm for sure that it was from Wave Chill." she took a sip as Soarin sat there non-different. It was something that every Wonderbolt did, they needed to; so it didn't surprised him when he saw that the scroll's seal was already gone.

"He didn't read the letter, of course; so we will be the first ones to read it!" Spitfire gave a little 'Yay!' at the end of her statement as she took her third sip from her dark blue colored mug, her fake enthusiasm doing nothing to the stallion who sat in front of her desk.

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