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183 8 82

Wonderbolts Headquarters
1.37 am

Great. Now I can't sleep.

Soarin sighed for the umpteenth time at his sorry attempt to fall asleep. He knew it was unlikely he would get a wink of sleep tonight no matter how much he tried, but he also promised a certain pony that he wouldn't have his eyebags anymore and tire himself out.

Looks like I won't be able to keep my word this time.

Not like she can see me right now.


Oh for the love of Celest-Twilight-Whatever! I don't care anymore.

He stood up from his bed with a huff as his hoof brushed back his mane. He was all sweaty from the humid sleeping quarters and his mane kept sticking to his forehead. After sitting on his bed for a few seconds and blankly staring down at his blanket with a frown, he decided it would be better to just ditch the idea of sleeping.

Carefully tiptoeing on the cloud surface as to not wake up the others, the navy maned pony opened the door with a silent prayer as to not make too much noise and with a small creak. When he was all the way out of the sleeping quarters, his left wing closed the door gently behind him and Soarin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

That made me feel like I was doing something illegal or something.

He shook his head to the silent voice in his mind reminding him of his broken promise being the cause of his uneasiness, tight lipped he instead focusing on the fact that he abandoned sleep to focus on something else than, well, this.

On his way to the door at the end of the short hallway that opened outside to the training grounds, Soarin was still walking with the same dejected expression he had when he learned of the contents of the letter earlier that day.


When Soarin went out to have a nice night flight, he wasn't expecting anything.

Just like how he wasn't expecting to see Blaze sitting on the benches overseeing the training grounds.

"Blaze?" he called out to her as he approached Blaze, then grimacing after seeing the younger pony flinch out of her daze upon hearing her name and go into a stupor.

That was NOT the right move.

He cleared his throat and waved a hoof, with an obvious apology in his voice, "To your right Blaze, sorry for frightening you, that wasn't my intention." he called out to her.

She turned to her right as commanded and gave a lazy salute to the co-captain. "Didn't expect to see you here commander, couldn't sleep as well?"

Soarin scoffed more at himself for being too obvious as he sat on the bench next to hers. "You could say that." he said, but then he scolded himself again for how little his voice came out.

Blaze didn't look like she noticed any of his mind beatings and turmoils though, as she looked at the ground and nodded her head. "Yeah, same here. I probably shouldn't be awake now though huh..."

"You will be properly scolded when I've had my morning coffee later today."

"Yes, yes, whatever you say commander."

When Blaze turned towards Soarin to see his reaction and saw the slight crinkle of his eyebrows she wasted no time to stand up and start her way towards the sleeping quarters once again. Before she left, Blaze turned towards Soarin once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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