Chapter One

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"Oh go on Jay!" Mark pleaded. Hopping from one foot to the other and smiling hopefully at their reluctant, former band-mate.

"It's just one photo..." Howard reasoned. He could never understand his friend's resistance to having his pictured taken. He knew Jason had left the band but the fans would be made up to see them together in a backstage selfie. It wasn't too much to ask surely?

"It's ok Jay" Gary could see from the set of Jason's jaw, that he wasn't having any of it and the more they pressed him the more he would dig his heels in. He thought back to the last time they'd had a similar conversation and what the outcome had been then...

"I'm sorry guys. I'd just rather not, at the moment." Jason said shaking his head apologetically. He stroked his chin, lost in thought

They all lapsed into silence, then James one of their security men, knocked on the dressing room door.

"Come in!" Gary called out.

James opened the door and leaned round and said, "Five minutes gentlemen!"

"OK" they replied, including Jason. It was almost like old times, thought Howard - the four of them, waiting for the show to begin - except it wasn't of course, but for a few minutes they could pretend.

It was great seeing Jay but it was also a sharp reminder of how things had changed. The three of them now in their stage outfits but Jason still wearing the jeans and sweatshirt he'd arrived in.

"Right! To the stage!" Gary declared, trying to lift the slightly sombre atmosphere that had taken over.

"Yeah, we'd better get going. Don't wanna be late!" Mark said laughing nervously. The anticipation starting to take over as show time drew near.

Howard said nothing but walked over to the door and pulled it open then turned round to wait for the others to follow.

"Break a leg!" Jason said, smiling round at them all. He was so proud of what they had achieved since he decided he wanted out.

He had been a bit worried about how things would be afterwards, but the fans had been amazing and continued to support the band, which he was so pleased about.

"Thanks!" Howard nodded over to Jay. He really was looking happy and relaxed nowadays - and as handsome as ever, the bastard! Howard thought, chuckling to himself.

"What's so funny?" Jason asked, noticing his friend laughing to himself.

"Oh nothing really. Just thinking how retirement is suiting you" Howard teased him. Knowing he'd say something back. He'd missed Jason's company a lot - their jokes and banter - almost more than working together.

"Oi! I'm not retired, old man!" Jason laughed and waited for Howard's response.

"Oh you're not? I thought I saw your mobility scooter out in the car park? And less of the old!" Howard turned and quickly followed Gary and Mark out of the room, as Jason swore at him loudly while laughing despite himself.

"Howard," Gary whispered to him as they walked up the corridor to the backstage area. "When we do our group hug just before we go on, James will take a photo of us and hopefully we can get Jason into the picture too", Gary grinned wide.

"He doesn't want to do a photo though" Howard replied.

"We know" Mark added, joining the whispered conversation.

"We just need to get him to stand near us while we have the picture taken and we've told James to make sure Jay's in the back of the shot" Mark explained, biting his lower lip nervously.

Howard looked at his two band-mates with surprise at their sneaky plan. He checked over his shoulder and saw Jason was deep in conversation with James.

He turned back to Gary and Mark, "He'll go ballistic!" Howard whispered.

"Yeah probably, but he'll get over it" Gary said brightly and a bit too loudly. Jason looked over at them, but didn't say anything and returned to his conversation.

"He never goes on twitter, so he'll probably never find out anyway" Mark added quietly.

"Umm"" Howard still wasn't really convinced"

"It's just one picture and it might not even work out!" Mark tried to reassure Howard. He knew it was a bit mean but all the fans had been asking them whether Jay had seen the show. This would be best way to let them know he had been. It would be better with his co-operation but he could be a stubborn git at times, so this was the only way, Mark told himself.

"Um, ok" Howard said reluctantly. He understood that Mark didn't mean any harm but he hated deceiving Jay, specially about something like this.

"Show time!" Gary rubbed his hands together gleefully.

Jason strolled over to them and hugged them all one by one. "Have a great show lads. See you afterwards."

"Thanks" They replied in unison.

It felt very strange now, thought Jason, as he looked at his friends, all dressed up ready to go out on stage and perform to thousands of excited fans. The nervous excitement evident on their faces. The constant movement even when seemingly standing still.

Being on stage performing was the best feeling in the world - He did miss that... but not the rest of the madness... especially not all the endless photographs!

Jason then stepped back and was waiting for James to escort him to one of the executive boxes, when Jonathan the band's manager approached him and started chatting to him.

Meanwhile the lads got together for their group hug and James took the photo making sure to include Jason in the background.


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