Chapter Two

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After another triumphant show, the guys rushed backstage and quickly showered and changed. They were going to a private dining club with Jason for something to eat and a few drinks, as there wasn't a show the next day.

Jason returned backstage and sat in one of the overstuffed armchairs while waiting for them in the lounge area of their dressing room.

"Brilliant show lads!" Jason exclaimed, when they'd finished getting ready. They sat down on the large sofa opposite him.

"Thanks!" they all said grinning broadly. Jay's verdict on the show was far more important to them, than any of the critics in the media.

"Were the shoes ok?" Joked Howard.

"Yes, they were mint!" laughed back Jason, making an ok sign with his thumb and forefinger.

"What about the dancing? Especially mine?" Gary winked mischievously.

"It was ace, specially you Gary. Think you're ready for Strictly now, Jason smiled broadly at his friend.

"What did you think about the Flaws dance?" Mark asked more seriously. He hoped Jason thought it was good enough. They'd rehearsed it for weeks.

"It was phenomenal. You and Howard did an amazing job" Jason said sincerely.

Jason looked thoughtful then said, "Think I'm out of a job now!" smiling over at Mark.

"No! You're always welcome back" Howard interjected. He'd really enjoyed working with Mark as he was a very good dancer and always picked up the routines quickly but he did miss working with Jay.

"But only on half pay" Gary joked, to lighten the mood. Jason laughed heartily at this and stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"Well, shall we get going and have this meal. I'm famished!" stated Gary, standing up from the sofa and stretching lazily.

"Yes, good idea" Jason agreed, "but first I just want to say I know what you were all up to before the show" Jason looked at the others very carefully, waiting for their response.

"Eh, what d'you mean?" Gary was the first to speak and tried to feign ignorance.

"What you talking about?" Mark asked rather more nervously, as the ruse had been his idea.

"It's a fair cop, guv!" Howard conceded, trying to make light of the deception. He looked over at the others and mouthed 'sorry'

"Nah, it's ok Dougie" Mark said and Gary nodded in agreement.

"We are really sorry Jay" Mark continued, looking contrite and hoping Jason wasn't going to disown them forever now.

"Yes, we really are. We'll take down the photo immediately!" Gary reached for his phone and started to scroll through the pages.

Jason shook his head and looked at his friends stricken faces.

"No, Gary, don't do that" Jason had a hint of a smile round his lips.

"You were completely out of order taking that picture of me, when I'd said no, but..." At this point Jason's shoulders started shaking and then he started to laugh.

The others stared at him, perplexed.

He managed to stop giggling long enough to explain, "I can't stay mad at you lot, after what I put all of you through last year. You've never been angry or irritated with me for my decision, so how can I be angry with you over a silly photo. It was a clever plan - but you are all bastards!" With that he sat back and laughed some more.

Howard, Mark and Gary sat looking at Jason for several moments, still confused at his laughing but very relieved that he was ok about the photograph after all. Then they joined in the laughing too.

Sometime later, during their meal, Jason explained how it'd found out what they were planning.

"James told me what you lot were up to. He thought you were all mean!" Jason laughed, "So I said I'd not say anything till afterwards as long as he only got half my face in the photo."

The other lads were gobsmacked about James grassing on them and Gary jokingly said that maybe they should dock James' wages.

"So I've got my picture all over twitter, I think you should pay a forfeit for being so cheeky." Jason smiled wickedly at them all.

"Half a face!" Howard corrected him.

"Ok, half a face, but you still owe me!" Jason conceded.

"Um, ok, what can we do to make it up to you?" Gary asked rather nervously.

"I've not decided yet but I'm sure I will think of something suitably embarrassing" Jason grinned, as he saw the concerned looks on his friends' faces.

After a long pause Jason said, "Only kidding! I'll let you off this time, as long as you don't do it again! Plus the worried looks on your faces were priceless and payback enough!" Jason grinned again.

"Thank god for that!" Gary breathed a sigh of relief, he had visions of Jason getting him to do a break dance routine and posting it on twitter.

"I'm not god, but I'll take the thanks" Jason laughed again.

"We are really sorry Jay" Mark said feeling very relieved that Jason had been so reasonable about it all.

"It's ok Mark, you only wanted to make the fans happy" Jason knew that Mark had a good heart and hadn't meant any harm.

"Thanks mate" Howard, was also relieved - and happy that Jason wasn't losing his mind over it, as he thought he might. He must be feeling more relaxed. Maybe leaving the band had been the right choice for Jay after all?

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