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In the blistering heat of the summer evening, Eon Jin felt the goosebumps down to her toes as the wet piece of cloth touched the skin of her thigh, a soft sob escaping her mouth as she exhaled.

"Did I hurt you?" she heard Tae Pyung ask, halting himself from wiping her legs.

She pushed herself up to a sitting position, leaning on the remaining strength of her arms for support as she searched for him in the dimness of the chamber.

"Not at all," Eon Jin assured him even as her voice faltered.

Tae Pyung ogled at the sight of her from where he knelt, obviously spent but somehow still disoriented in her lustful daze as he saw her breaths getting shallower and more erratic minutes after they consummated their passion.

"Let us get you tidied up first," he told her as a diversion, keeping his voice low as he suppressed the renewed urges brought about by her seductive afterglow. "This would not take long."

A few minutes later, Tae Pyung went back to lie down beside her and placed a stretched arm under her neck, encouraging Eon Jin to nestle herself alongside his body. She was desperate for their naked bodies to make the tiniest contact but held herself back in an instant, choosing to maintain a safe distance between them.

"Come nearer, Eon Jin," he said under his breath. "Do not be a stranger, please."

With the slightest movement of her hips, she snuggled herself closer and wrapped an arm around him. She purred like a cat when her breasts rubbed on his chest, both of their skins still a little slick with perspiration. Without warning, the sensation stirred a fresh set of flames in her loins.

"Is it possible for you to want me again after tonight?" Eon Jin asked in a murmur, thankful that their current positions as they embraced, as well as the darkness of the room they were staying in, hid the blush that was covering her cheeks.

"In the same carnal wanting, I mean," she clarified.

Tae Pyung kissed her temple to comfort her, then whispered, "I will want you and love you in equal measure, always."


"That is true."

Eon Jin tilted her head up while her hand crept towards his nape, prodding him to face her.

"Prove it," she challenged him.

In spite of his innate wit, Tae Pyung was suddenly at a loss for words as he strove to come up with a succinct explanation that could put her doubts to rest and make her realize how much he loved her. Instead, he placated her insecurities by claiming her mouth in a wanton kiss that left her begging for more.

"I am yours for eternity," he promised between pants after they both pulled away to come up for air. "My mind, my heart, my body... my entire being will yearn for you for all the days of my life."

Eon Jin swallowed in resistance the moment she sensed that her desire began taking over her virtue once more, turning the golden brown flecks in her eyes into blazing embers. However, her thirst was already scorching her veins so much so that she ground her waist against his in one fluid motion to quench it, taking him by surprise and making him catch his breath.

"Then show me," she said as she stared at him through heavy-lidded eyes while her fingers dug into his firm buttocks as she pulled him towards her.

"Show me how much you desire me again."

A low moan resonated from Eon Jin as she lost herself in her own frenzy, her teeth tearing into her lower lip as she straddled Tae Pyung on the bed, her arms wrapped around his neck as she sought for a deeper contact with her lover. They were already as intimate as their bodies would allow, and yet she still craved to draw him into her. She was all but satiated as she sprinted towards a finish line that seemed to slip away from her reach every single time.

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