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i felt two taps on my shoulder and i turned around to see taylor.

"isn't that that asshole from the amusement park?" she asked, pointing over to a group of boys standing at a vending machine. i squinted my eyes and saw that it was in fact that asshole from the amusement park.

"you gotta be fu-"

"language!" kairi interrupted me, coming back to sit down with us after knocking a total of 2 pins down.

"what's wrong?" mattia asked, following my eyes.  that prick looked over at us and smirked.

"shit," i mumbled, "nothing, look, it's your turn," i said to mattia. he began walking up to the alley.

"hey babygirl. i missed you," the dude said. mattia turned around and i pushed him forward, ignoring the dude.

"hello. i'm talking to you, with the pretty eyes and fat ass."

"me?" taylor asked.

"i mean, if you're down," he said, biting his lip and looking her up and down. vomit.

"yeah... no.  that was a joke."

"then nah, i mean you," he said, pointing at me. i looked over at kairi and signaled to mattia. he nodded and walked over to him.

"so, you got a strike, huh?"

"what the fuck do you want?" i asked.

"if we're being honest, i'd like a piece of that ass."

"are you-"

"yo, back off, she has a man," alex said, coming up behind me.

"like i said before, nobody gotta know," the dumb ass replied.  i then felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"what's up?" mattia spoke, standing taller than all of us.

"you again?"

"yes, me again. what do you want?"

i looked over at kairi and gave him a death stare. he shrugged and grimaced, mouthing "sorry."

"i want her," he said, looking me up and down, "tied up in my bed," he said.  i looked up at mattia to see his jaw clenched.

"well that sucks, huh?" he said, laying his chin on my shoulder, "since i'm the one that actually gets to have her like that. all pretty and tied up, hm?" said. this dude always finds time to be horny. i heard kairi clear his throat beside us. i looked to the right to see taylor and vic standing in shock.

"what the fuck do i do?" i mouthed to them. they shrugged in sync.  what shall we call this asshole? how about jafar. he is kinda built like him. anyways, jafar was visibly pissed off.

"why don't you let her come with me? let me show her what i can do," jafar said, attempting to grab my hand. i yanked it away and mattia moved me out of the way, stepping in front of me.

"you're smoking dick if you think that's gonna happen," mattia said, looking down at jafar.

"isaiah, don't, it's not worth it," one of his friends spoke. i'm still gonna call him jafar just because he looks more like jafar than he looks like an isaiah.

"why not? you scared she'd leave you for me?"

"not at all. i just don't want her to be too disappointed when you pull out the 1 inch punisher," mattia replied.  jafar grabbed him by his shirt and i backed up from them. mattia grabbed jafar's arms and threw him onto the ground.

"isaiah, come on, let's go," the same friend spoke out. as jafar was getting off of the floor, mattia gently pushed me towards kairi. jafar began throwing punches, mattia blocking them with ease.

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