Chapter 3 Aim For The Eye!

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Me and Leon stood in a room, it was old and rustic like the police station. A low rumble sounded from behind us, I turned around to see the door closing.

"Who in the fuck?" 

"No going back," Leon was much more calm sounding than me, I was just really, really fucking confused.

"Shit it's dark," I mumbled, Leon pulled out his flash light and turned it on.

"Lets go, we need to get out of here," I nodded and held my gun tightly as we continued...

Our footsteps echoed through the dark and damp tunnels, the sound of water dripping echoed around us. I felt a shiver go down my spine, something was watching us. I pulled out my flashlight and looked around quickly, Leon stopped and turned towards me. He was saying something but I ignored it, I shined my flashlight up a little to the top of a large crate. A monster sat on top, half of the monster looked mostly human but the other half... There were large pussy boils on the left half of its body, its skin was a green-grey colour and there were pieces of skin flaking off, the beast was huge and muscular. Were dead...  The beast jumped down and tried to tackled the both of us, I pushed Leon out of the way and shot the thing. It only got angrier when I shot it, I started running dragging Leon with me.

"What the fuck is that thing!?" Leon yelled, I glanced back to see it chasing after us.

"I-I don't know... some sort of mutant, and its fucking pissed!" I stopped and shot once again hitting near its eyes, it slowed and grabbed its face. I shot again when it looked up, I missed. It jumped at me pinning me to the ground, I grabbed my knife and stabbed it in the face multiple times as it gripped my arm. It let go and screeched in pain, the eyes... is that its weak spot? I had no time to contemplate it, I got up and ran away from it. Leon started to fire shots, he hid the bulging eye on it's arm making it fall back screeching like a banchi. I was right! Its the eye, Leon continued shooting not really aiming for the eye. The beast charged at Leon and grabbed him by the hair, the monster squeezed his head and slammed him into the ground. Leon let out a few cries of pain as he tried to wiggle free. I felt something snap inside me, I went from worried and a little angry to enraged in a split second. I charged at the thing and started shooting its eyes, I heard my gun click signifying that I was out. I scoffed and grabbed my knife, I jumped onto the Mori and stabbed it repeatedly in the eyes. It had let go of Leon as soon as I started shooting; but I was pissed, I wanted it dead. I grabbed me and threw me into a wall knocking the wind out of me, I coughed and gagged on the ground. Leon shot the beast in the stomach, I tried to speak but it came out as a mere whisper.

"L-Leon..." I wheezed out, I took deep breaths.

"Aim for the eyes!" Leon glanced back at me, he started to aim for the eyes. I regained my composure and grabbed my knife, I didn't realize that I dropped it earlier. The beast backed away stumbling slightly, it fell over the railing- screaming as it fell.

"You okay?" I nodded, and glance at railing. I heard what sounded like metal moving on a track from behind us, I turned around and saw a latter. 

"What?" Leon turned around, he raised his hands in mock surrender before letting them fall to his sides.

"Now were being watched, just perfect," I laughed at his sarcasm.

"Yeah... lets get going before more of those mutants come out of the shadows," Leon nodded and climbed up, I followed close behind...

703 words!! thought it was gonna be a little shorter but either way a chapters a chapter, hope your enjoying! 


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