Chapter 13 Secret Room

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I sighed a little as light bled in through the window, I rubbed my eyes a little and looked around. Ghost was still asleep, I need to get up but I don't want to wake him up. I carefully unwrapped his arms and got up, he groaned a little and rolled over. I went over to my dresser and grabbed a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans, I took off my shirt and heard some shuffling behind me. I glanced back to see Ghost sitting up, he glanced at me tiredly. I put on my other shirt and changed my pants before getting some clothes for him, I handed them to him.

"Meet me outside, back door," he nodded, I left closing the door behind me. I stepped down the stairs to see Leon cleaning some dishes, I smiled at him.

"Morning Leon," he turned off the water and dried of his hands.

"Good morning... can I talk to you for a sec?" I nodded, we both went outside.

"Ghost, I don't trust him... I feel like we should get him out of here as soon as possible," I nodded again.

"Dully noted, I'll keep an eye on him. Why do you not trust him?"

"I remember back in the NEST, I saw a recording. It was from Ghost's cam, Mr. Birkin didn't comply so he shot. He seems trigger happy, didn't he shoot you?" 

"Yes, but you have to remember that he was in the threat of danger both times. And I was aiming my gun behind him, from what he could see was that I was gonna shoot him. It's only reasonable to shoot before you're shot," Leon sighed and looked at the door then back at me.

"Well I'm just saying, don't trust him," Leon mumbled before leaving, the back door opened and Ghost jogged over to me. I smiled and brought him over to a green house that was quite large, I opened the door and was hit in the face with a very warm wave of air. I propped the door open to air the place out a little and started to name the different plants and herbs...

Me and Ghost spent a long hour in there, I informed him on the plants. That only took twenty minutes, the other forty minutes were spent talking about our past hobbies and our interest. I laughed a little as I felt my face warm up a little, Ghost looked back at the house then back at me.

"Thank you, I would have died if not for you. Thank you so much," he mumbled, he has thanked me eleven times in the last hour. I smiled at his nervous habit.

"You've said that eleven times, Ghost," I teased, he stiffened a little and looked away blushing.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were keeping track," he rubbed the back of his neck, I giggled.

"Yeah, you repeat things when your nervous,"

"Oh... I didn't realize... it's not a bad thing... is it?" he looked a little worried.

"Oh! No no! It's actually kinda cute," I quickly blabbed, I shut my mouth after accidentally complimenting him. He got really flustered and hid his face a little.

"A-ah. Sorry, I didn't mean for that to slip out," I laughed nervously.

"It's fine," he answered quickly seeming to be slightly uncomfortable, I looked back at the house.

"L-let's just go back inside," I mumbled before leaving, Ghost waited a little before following after. I opened the door and let Ghost in before closing it behind us. There were soft mumbles coming from the living room, I walked towards the noise and saw Claire and Sherry talking.

"Oh! Hey Ghost! Hey (Y/n)!" Sherry exclaimed happily waving at us, Claire looked between me and Ghost in confusion.

"Who are you?"

"I forgot you two haven't met yet, this is Ghost," she nodded.

"How did you meet him exactly?" Ghost stepped in before I could talk.

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