tsukishima kei | behind your back (1)

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I could hear the sound of shoes against the floor and the bouncing of balls as I neared the gym.

I peeked through the open door, and just as expected, everyone was really working hard.

"Oh–!" I turned to the familiar voice, "(Y/N)!"

It was Yachi, Karasuno's manager in training.


"Come in!" she exclaimed, signaling me to go inside the gym.

Scratching the back of my head, I gave her a shy smile before doing so.

I gawked at the team's play. They seemed to be so into it. I'm not very familiar with sports, but I knew that what they were doing is nothing of the ordinary – they were going beyond their limits.

"Everyone seems to be working hard..."

"True," Yachi nodded, "They're trying to advance together."


I turned to who called me. It was none other than Hinata, who was already on his way to me.

"Hey, Hinata! Don't go slacking off!" Kageyama, the team's setter, yelled at him from the net.

Hinata stuck his tongue out at Kageyama, which pissed him off further.

"Stop fighting..." Hachi interrupted but her face reflected her nervousness.

I laughed at them. Oh, just the usual at Karasuno.

"Oh, (Y/N)!" Hinata pointed at the paper bag I was carrying.

"Cookies?" he looked up at me with heart eyes and I could only imagine his mouth watering.

I nodded and brought the paper bag up for him to see.

"Everyone, cookies!" Hinata announced, his voice echoing around the gym.

The hyper gang were quick to go to us, they were the first ones.

"Cookies from (Y/N) again? Yum!" Tanaka and Nishinoya were teaming up in praising my cookies.

I chuckled.

"You didn't have to, (Y/N)..." I turned to the familiar voice.

It was Daichi along with the other third years in the team. Suga was smiling and Asahi looked as if he was scared to talk to me.

"It's fine! I like it when I see you all like this," I smiled at him.

He only sighed with a hint of a smile on his face.

Suga then put his hand on Daichi's shoulders, "Don't lie like you don't want it!"

The two bickered for a while before Asahi caught my attention, "Thank you, (Y/N)..." he scratched his head and showed a sly smile.

"Don't think about it," I flashed a grin.

"You should prepare the place first before you eat," Shimizu-senpai interrupted.

Tanaka, Hinata, and Nishinoya were quick to set up a place to eat.

Soon enough, we were laughing and eating on the gym floor, taking a bite on the cookies I baked last night, and drinking the sports drink I bought on the way here.

"Hey, (Y/N)..." Nishinoya spoke with his mouth full. "Why are you with Tsukishima?"

Suddenly, Daichi started coughing. He held his drink in one hand and wiped his mouth with the other. He looked mortified as he stared at Nishinoya.

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