seven: honeyduke's

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November 17, 10 am

"It'll be fun, I promise. Fred and George know a secret way to sneak in." Oliver said.

I narrowed my eyes. "You said it'd be fun last week and we got banned from stepping foot inside the store. And just to get chocolate frogs, too!"

Oliver laughed until his eyes got a little teary. "C'mon, it's not like we're going to get expelled from Hogwarts just because we tried to illegally export chocolate frogs back to the common room."

I sent him daggers through my stare. "I swear, there's something wrong with all three of you!"

Oliver pretended to think. "I think there might be."

I scoffed. "Go recruit someone else to do illegal magic with you."

Oliver pouted, which kind of softened my gaze a bit and made my heart melt but I pretended that it didn't affect me. "C'mon, Ave. It's only Honeydukes, and you're our only friend who would go through this."

It was true. Everyone in Gryffindor wouldn't really care for this thing and would rather have some good times with friends.

I pursed my lips. "Well, I'm in the mood for some Pixie Puffs."

Oliver grinned and surprisingly hugged me. "You're the best, you know that?"

I was lost for words. "Uh...right."

Oliver smirked. "C'mon, they're waiting in the third floor."

He made it a move to grab my hand as we walked fast towards the Gunhilda of Gorsemoor corridor. Fred and George were waiting with equally evil-looking grins on their faces.

"I told you it would take him two minutes to convince her." Fred smirked.

"Wood's charm works on every lady." George commented, patting Oliver on the back.

"He didn't work his charm on me." I stated. Although, it could've, just a little.

"Ah, but you do admit I have a charm." Oliver grinned cheekily. All I wanted to do was to swipe that stupid grin off his seemingly perfect face.

"Whatever, let's just get myself Pixie Puffs and leave as soon as possible." I grumbled, knowing I had an embarrassing shade of red on my face.

Oliver smirked before he took out his wand and tapped it on the back of the statue and whispered 'Dissendium'.

Before I knew it, I was jumping on a slide and into the Honeydukes cellar. "Very quickly, now. Wouldn't want old Flume to catch us again."

Fred and George slowly opened the trap door and gathered all the candy we needed using the Accio spell. "Anything else?" George asked.

"I think Meghan would appreciate some Liqourice Wands and Salt Water Taffy." I said.

Fred and George came back down with their armfuls of illegal sweets and hurriedly came running towards us. "Let's go, let's go! Someone's onto us."

That's all it took me to be bolting back to the passageway with Oliver behind my back as we ran.

Arriving back at Hogwarts was a workout in itself because I was panting and sweating the moment we arrived at the common room. It was pretty cold out, but the heating inside Hogwarts and the school robes didn't help cool us off.

"Want some Fudge Flies? They actually taste good, you know." Oliver asked as we all settled into the big common room sofa.

"I can't believe we actually got away with this." I said, looking at the piles of candy around us.

"We're geniuses, that's what." Fred said, giving George a high five.

I rolled my eyes. "For so-called 'geniuses', you guys are idiots."

"Ignore the haters, Fred." Oliver joked.

George snickered. "Haters make us famous, that's what we say."

"You didn't just say that." I groaned.

Two hours later, our housemates came back from Hogsmeade so we proceeded to go inside our dorms after throwing the candy wrappers in the fire.

"I got you some wands and taffy. Illegally snuck out from the terrible twins of Gryffindor." I said, giving her the boxes.

"I'm actually obsessed with you." Meghan stated as she opened the Salt Water Taffy box.

"Girls are weird." A voice behind us said.

I turned around and saw that it was Oliver, leaving against the frame of our door. To be honest, he looked hot with the sneaky smirk on his face.

"You're not allowed in here." I spat out, cheeks reddening across my cheeks.

"Uh, yeah I am." He protested.

"No, you're not. It's in the Hogwarts Rules of Conduct." I stated, hating that I sounded like a know-it-all.

"Professor McGonagall isn't here, is she? So how is she ever gonna know?" He smirked quite evilly, if you asked me.

I narrowed my eyes. "Stop smirking."

He rolled his eyes. "I will when I die."

"Just get out, I'm tired of seeing your face today." I groaned.

He laughed. "Fine. But I'll come back for you in the Great Hall."



"Good." I repeated, wanting to know when he'd give up.



"Fine, we'll continue this later." He winked and finally left the room, his hands in the pockets of his robes.

I took a deep breath as I watched him disappear with long strides.

"He definitely has a thing for you." Meghan blurted out, with taffy still in her mouth.

"No, he doesn't." I argued, feeling my cheeks heat up again.

"He does," Meghan insisted. "All I could do was sit and watch in awe."

I rolled my eyes. "The day Oliver Wood likes me is the day I flip Professor Snape off."

a/n: i'm liking all the positive comments from last chapter! Keep going :3

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