3: Responsibility

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Despite not wanting to endanger his mate and their unborn young, Shownu had once again lost to Dia's seductive gaze and her beautiful female body.

She had assured him that the doctor had said that sex was safe and he was unable to resist her, as much as he tried. Still, he hadn't been as rough as usual, and she was still a limp satisfied puddle of female once he was done with her. As a bonded male, his female always came first. Even if he had balls so blue they dropped off his body, his main priority was doing right by his female; whether that was with sex, food, warmth or anything else in life, he would go without if it meant she would have what she needed.

Of course, it was an added bonus that Dia loved all of his body, not just his mouth and fingers.

As the automated shutters over their windows raised for the night, Dia sighed and snuggled closer into her mates chest.

"I love that scent," She hummed, nuzzling into his neck.

A purr like growl rumbled up from Shownu's chest. The smell his mate was referring to was his bonding scent. It seeped from his pores, covering her inside and out as a warning to other males - she was taken by a male who was able to break your neck if you even said one word out of line.

"And I love it on you," He replied, pulling back so he could kiss her throat above her pulse. As she sat up, he noted with masculine satisfaction and pride that she was wobbly on her legs. He loved the sight of the subtle trembles that proved just how good of a job he had done on her through the day. Then there were the bite marks on her neck, on stark contrast to her perfect skin.

He had a matching set on his own throat that went with the scratch marks on his muscular back, and he wished that they wouldn't heal as fast as they did.

He wanted to think of her when the scratches pulled during the night.

Dia laughed as she looked over her shoulder, "You can't be hard again,"

Shownu grinned at her, showing his long fangs, "I always am when you are around me,"

A familiar and exciting light flashed across Dia's eyes, "So join me in the shower, warrior. Let me ease your ache,"

She didn't have to ask twice.


Shownu was relaxed and happy as he headed into the Brotherhood's compound. As the only Brother who didn't live there, he had to make sure he was there on time otherwise the nights hunting would be delayed.

However, his good mood was shelved as he walked through the main entrance hall to see tow of his brothers nose to nose, muscles tense and aggression staining the air.

"What the fuck is going on?" He barked as he strode towards them.

Kihyun turned away from the other vampire, his brows down low, "The usual," He said, "Hyungwon is being an asshole,"

The other vampire growled loudly, his fangs descended, "Looking out for the safety of our home and staff is hardly being an asshole, asshole,"

Shownu sighed, "Get your asses to the meeting room," He said, striding past them, "We'll discuss it before we go out,"

He expected them to follow him as he took the stairs three at a time, and the heavy stomping of boots on the floor confirmed his expectations.

Minhyuk, Jooheon and Wonho were already in the office at the top of the stairs, sprawled out comfortably over some heavy-duty sofas and chairs. They all looked up as Shownu entered the room and took a seat across from them and none of them seemed surprised when Hyungwon and Kihyun followed him in, equally annoyed.

"What happened?" Shownu sighed, wishing he could go back to his beautiful mate and spend more time getting sweaty in their bed.

"Minhyuk and Kihyun brought a civilian female home last night," Jooheon drawled, pulling a pack of tobacco and papers from his pocket and beginning to roll a cigarette, "Hyungwon is justifiably pissed about it because they didn't even tell anyone. We only found out cause Doc Joon called up and asked if any of us would feed her,"

Shownu shot a glare at the two aforementioned vampires, "You brought a civilian here?"

"We found her in an alley near the bar," Minhyuk said, "Naked with blood between her thighs and bruises all over her face. Oh and the hand marks around her neck. The human rapist was zipping up as she passed out,"

Growls permeated the room, even from Hyungwon. It didn't matter what you were - human, vampire or hunter. You did not hurt females; which is evidentially why Hunters liked to go after vampire females. They knew how much it hurt the males.

After the growls and curses quietened, Kihyun took the stage, "She was already starved for blood and had no ID or anything on her. We had no choice but to bring her here and get the Doc to take care of her,"

Shownu narrowed his eyes, "You should have taken her to the clinic. The Doctors there would have cared for her,"

"She was our responsibility," Minhyuk said sharply, "After we killed the bastard we needed to take care of her. You think her family would be okay knowing that she was dishonoured like that and then seen unclothed by two unmated warriors? Here is the safest,"

"If she's high class her family would have tossed her out to the sun for dishonouring them," Wonho agreed, "I vote let her stay until we find somewhere for her,"

"I'm not saying to kick her out," Hyungwon also nodded, "She needs care. I'm pissed that they acted alone,"

"She won't be leaving any time soon, if you are talking about the female in the medical wing,"

The brothers looked up as a well built male filled the open doorway of the office.

"Doc," Shownu greeted him, "What's her status?"

"Unconscious," The vampire answered, "She slipped into a coma for various reasons. I need a male to come and feed her to keep her nourished, but I don't think it will wake her,"

As the males all offered their vein, Shownu nodded, "Fine. She stays for now. Kihyun, you and Minhyuk will feed her then patrol area three, a few Hunters were spotted there last night," He looked at the others, "Hyungwon, you and Wonho will take area four, Jooheon, we will take area seven. Everyone clear? Call in any kills or if you need backup,"

There were grunts of understanding as everyone stood.

Shownu double checked his weapons before he and Jooheon headed for the entrance of the compound. He nodded greetings to a few maids that were cleaning and then he and his partner were gone, dematerialising their bodies and flying through the air as a bunch of molecules until they reappeared in their hunting territory for the night.

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