The star school

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before we get started just want to clear some things up so you don't get confused.

".." those mean speaking 
'..' these mean thoughts 
*..* and this means me (the announcer) is talking 

lets get started now yay

close your eyes... ...imagine; grass fields, children running everywhere. teenagers having their first romance, and adults getting married. and lastly image a giant school that was made to create the pop idols and singers you listen and look at today. well open your eyes and enjoy the story or the 'star school' where they gather talented children of all sorts and create singers, idols and pop stars. welcome to "Her Voice"

Inko (Izuku' s mums POV)

i had just received news that my little girl was requested to join the 'Star School' she loves to sing so i agreed. 'since her father left she hasn't been the same... maybe this could help. since he left she has been distant. and she is only four so I want her to live a happy childhood' i thought as i walked down the small hall and faced a white door that was covered with different band and singing posters.
"honey i know your listening to all might's music but i thought i would like to tell you that your transferring schools; this school goes from pre-school all the was to the end of high school" i said with a happy tone waiting for a response, only to be disappointed...again. "it's a singing school..." at this she ran out her room and hugged me asking millions of questions. "when does it s-start. c-can I-I-i go now. how many kids will b-be there." i answered her question and told her that it was a boarding school so she would come home in the holidays and stay there during the terms. 
'she seems so happy' i thought 'that is the first true smile i have seen in a long time.'

after a few weeks of getting ready i drove Izuku to the academy and stared as i saw her walk through those overly sized gates. i was holding back tears as she ran back up to me hugging me while sobbing "its okay izu--" i said between sobs "you'll blow them away with that voi--" i was cut off by a mother sending off her boy "get you ass in there and make me proud you mutt" i recognised that tone and saw misaki (kaccans mum) 


(Izuku' s POV)

I saw as my mum said his to this woman and saw a boy holding her hand he looked my age (4) and hot tempered, wild ash blonde hair and sharp red eyes. my mum went up and hugged the lady I was just having a unintentional staring contested with the boy when the lady said  "man Inko i haven't seen you in a hot minute... wait you got a kid?" she said looking at me. i smiled at her and then looked at the boy, i gave him a classic 'I'm innocent smile' and saw as he turned from a boy to a tomato. I heard the lady  say "oh right this is my good for noting son, Bakugo Katsuki" the lady known as Misaki said. he then tried to escape this mother that was grasping his hand. "let go you old ha--" "sorry my son has a temper" she said bumping him on the head. 'wow i wonder where he gets it from' i said with an eye roll. then the bell rang and me and the boy had to get to the orientation ceremony. i looked at my mum who was to busy talking to Misaki so i kissed her cheek asked the boy and he did the same to his mum. i then grabbed his hand and started running off to the school. after a bit he caught up to me and he grabbed my hand tighter and we ran as fast as we could just making it to the ceremony in time.

thankfully we sat next to each other and started talking and we found out we had allot in common except the fact he had a short fuse and i didn't, he looked scary and i looked a bunny bear but we got along. we then got assigned the same class and everything went into place. i had my first friend. when we were in our playroom with all the other four year old he looked at me straight ing the eye and said something that made my heart flutter for the first time.

"Izu..." Kaccan started "i promise that i will be your best friend forever...and that i will marry you and make you the happiest Izuku in the whole wide world" i started to sob as he put a candy ring on my finger "so don't ever leave me okay Izuku" he said as i nodded. he then kissed me on the cheek adn we went into the sand pit for the day.

Kaccan was the first boy i met, the first friend i had and the first boy who promised me happiness.but that sadly didn't last

A/N hey please tell me if i made any spelling mistakes in the comments. have a good day and wish me luck on my science test i have tomorrow which i definitely studied for "ughh" ;(

Her Voice-Female Deku X Bakugo KatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now