The last goodbye

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A/N: been a while but im back with a new part 
I have decided instead of taking a while to post a big chapter I will just post lots of decent sized ones :0

(Kaccan' s POV) 

'okay I get it I messed up' I thoughts twirling a pen in my hand 'I should apologise to her' I let out a big sigh. 'BUT HOW CAN I DO THAT IF SHE WON'T FUCKING TURN UP FOR CLASS, THAT DAMN NERD!!' I screamed in my heard scratching my hair furiously. 

*time skip to after class*

i went out of class and walked to Deku' s dorm. I got so many weird looks because i was in the girls dormitories but I didn't care, all i cared about was apologising to Izu-Deku.




"oi, stupid Deku open the fucking door" i yelled banging on the door. i started knowing more furiously getting worried. i finally lost my temper and busted the door down. 

"what the actual FUCK!!..." i turned around and sprinted dialling my mums number. Deku door opened only to reveal her empty room no clothes or anything and all her all might figurines and posters ripped up in the bin. 




"answer you old hag" i screamed as i ran out the school gates hoping what i thought what wrong. 'don't leave, don't be stupid Deku' i thought as someone picked up the phone

"what do you want you bra-" she was cut off by Kaccan' s yelling "where is Deku? she isn't in her door and she wasn't at school today. and all her all might stuff was ripped out and destroyed" Kaccan was out of breath as he turned down the street.... 

he hung up the phone and pushed himself beyond his athletic capabilities as he turned to face Deku' s house. he saw a sad yet surprised Deku holding a box labelled memories 

(third person POV) 

as Kaccan stared at Deku she avoided all eye contact. "Deku why are you holding boxes and why is your car trunk full of them?" Kaccan asked refusing to put the pieces together himself

''w-w-well i-it's a long s-story" Deku shuddered about to cry

"you better tell me what the fuck is go--" kaccan was cut off by inko midoriya

"hello Bakugo have you come to say goodby-- oh my god why are you so sweaty" she said holding her own set of boxes.

"auntie? where are you guys going" kaccan said still looking at Deku. 

"oh didn't Izuku tell you we ar--" 

"mum, stop i'll tell him" Deku said

"tell me what someone tell me what the FUCK is going on" Kaccan demanded

"w-w-we are m-m-m--moving away" 

"oh where so your helping your helping sunti and com--" he began

"no... we are moving to...... American" Deku said putting the box in the car and signalling her mother to grab the remaining boxes from inside. 

''WHAT!!" Kaccan said wide-eyed 

Deku walked up to her once beloved Kaccan "here" she said as she put a silver locket necklace with a forest green gem on top of it around his neck."i know it's girl but it has a picture of us in it" she said as Kaccan looked at it tears forming in his eyes. "don't worry i have one too" Deku said holding up a exact replica however hers had a crimson red gem on top instead of green. 

after that Deku kissed Kaccan' s cheek and whispered 'I'll come back one day for you to for fill your promise to me, until then sing, sing as loud as you can until your voice finally reaches me' Kaccan was sobbing in his hands as he saw the one he loved walk away from her, and drove away in their little black car. "I'LL DO IT, *Sniff* I'LL BECOME SO GOOD YOU WILL HAVE TO BOW DOWN TO ME---*sniff*" kaccan screamed at the car and ran home to him mum to cry. 

(Izuku's POV)

i looked back to see Kaccan yelling something but i couldn't hear him. i looked to my mum and smiled. 'i hope by us moving to America i can stand on the same stage as him' as we arrived at the airport and bordered the plane. 'i will come back, and when i do. i'll be able to say that "i love you"' i fell asleep on the plane and began my journey to fame.

(no ones POV) 

the two separated paths but neither of them knew that the locket that they each shared possessing the others colour would be the item that bring them back to gether in the mere future. 

Her Voice-Female Deku X Bakugo KatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now