One Direction's Babysitter~ Chapter Sixteen

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Previously on One Direction's Babysitter..........


Oh, oh,

Oh, oh, oh, oh

You're giving me a heart attack,


Meghan's P.O.V

"So?"I asked him for the millionth time.

Again he just stood there speechless,so I had to slap him to get him out of his trance.

"What?"He asked.

Wow did he even hear me sing? Or was that the cause for him falling into the trance? If it was am I really that good of a singer?

"I asked you if you liked my singing."I said.

"I didn't like it....."He said.

"Oh,you didn't?"I asked

"I loved it."He said.

Did he really like it that much? Or should I say did he really love it that much? I'm not that good of a singer.

"Let's just..........look the park."I said.

"Ok let's go."He said.

I needed to get him off the subject but he's just going to find a way to get it out of me,and that's what I'm afraid of. When we got to the park,it was huge,it had tree's,and a big playground with three playhouse's and five swing's,two babyswing's,it had a tire swing,and the best basketball court I've ever seen.

"Ok,we should have brought a basketball."I said.

"There's one right here."He said.

He was right,it was lying down right next to the basketball court,it was like someone knew we were coming. Anyway I'm going to beat his butt at this game,it's my favorite game,and it's fair because we're both the same height.

"So who start's first?"I asked.

"Lady's first."He said.

If he knew me better,then he would know,i'm not a lady who doesn't know how to play basketball,i'm a tomboy who just throws any shirt on,with some jeans,i'm the tomboy who's not afraid to get hurt,and lastly i'm the tomboy who won every single game of basketball she played.

"Ok."I said.

I was going to trick him,act like I didn't even know how to dribble the ball,and when he come's to teach me,bam that's when I strike and run,and then take the shot.

"How do you bounce it?"I asked sounding like a dumb blond.

(if there are any blond's out there sorry if I offended you but I did say dumb blond there's a difference)

"Here let me show you."He said.

Then he came and went behind me,and when that happened I took off,it wasn't against the rules at all,he didn't even make any rules and since there was no one else there it was easier for me to make the basket,which I did and he just stood there shocked.

"What,I can't learn how to play basketball because i'm a 'lady'."I put my finger's up like the do emphasising the word lady.

"No it's just,you acted like you didn't know anything,so I was shocked."He said.

That's true,I did act like I didn't know anything,but he should've known I was kidding when I started talking like that.

"True,but now you know let's just play."I said.

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