Meet the manager of The New Writer Awards

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It is of our belief that when you follow a guide book, you should know who is guiding you and what makes them qualified to be giving you advice. The New Writer Awards was started by phoebeconrey and is also run and managed by her. 

Believe it or not, she also writes this guide book!

Now if you pop over to my profile (phoebeconrey), it might not look like I'm a very accomplished writer, which truth be told I am not. At least not here on Wattpad. My writing success comes through other channels. 

I have been writing for as long as I can remember, but it's been about 10 years of creating meaningful and powerful stories. I started writing professionally about 3 years ago and have been published recently. I have written across numerous platforms - including Wattpad, Tumblr, blogs, articles, short stories and I am now finishing up my publishing exclusive first book! 

Not that I think that being able to write makes you able to teach writing but I have had a lot of experience in a lot of different styles of writing through my years, I have learnt a lot of things and am completely self-taught. 

I plan to create stories that help to assist important narratives. 

So what makes me qualified to write a guide book?

Other than being a writer myself, having studied literature and constantly learning and growing? Well, that would be my natural ability to find plot holes, research,  and weave stories together. I have always had a knack for creating, particularly in writing and have learnt through my own mistakes how to write stories that matter. Stories that break heart, make people laugh and create change in people's lives. Not saying that I'm perfect but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve. 

So rather than fumbling your way through the unlit corridor of writing, let me be a torch. I will guide you to write impactful dialogue, show you the ways of describing, allow you to breathe life into your work building and help you to write the story that you always dreamed of. 

Writing is not an easy process and it is most certainly not a quick one. Writing is hard and it takes a great deal of patience. You are going to be bad at it. Sorry to burst your bubble but not everything we write is perfection - it almost never will be. We have good days and bad days but the important thing is to keep going. 

A quick little disclaimer: I cannot guarantee that this book will help you to improve your writing if you don't actually write. Nothing will help you improve your writing to the same degree as actually writing. You need to do it to get better at it. This is the number one reason I almost never recommend that if you're a first time writer that you start publishing your work right away. Because you have a lot to learn and need time to grow - which is okay, that is part of the process. 

I hope we can all learn and grow together but only if you also put in the work. 

For those of you interested: The New Writer Awards has a Patreon now! As well as an Instagram and Twitter Account! We are going to be using all these channels to provide you with bonus content, writing tips, special competitions and a whole host of other really cool things. You can find all these links in our bio.

Our Patreon will give you early access to the chapters of this book as well as provide you with bonus content, editing help, community benefits, Q and As with our team and judges, monthly newsletters with extra help and content and a whole load of other things. 

We never want to prevent any of you from learning so if you want to access Patreon content but simply cannot afford it right now then please get in contact with us and explain your situation and we will see what we can do!

Until next time,
We look forward to reading your stories

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