Chapter 8

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Everyone starts packing their stuff to head back to their dorms Yaoyorozu also starts packing her stuff she puts her notebooks in her bag.She then stands up and leaves the classroom.Todoroki starts packing  faster as he sees her get up.He then leaves the classroom and starts running towards Yaoyorozu when he reaches her he says "hey,Yaoyorozu" Yaoyorozu turns around and says "oh hi Todoroki,something wrong?" Todoroki gets closer to Yaoyorozu which makes her blush."A-are you going with anyone at the arcade?" Says Todoroki "Uh no why do you as-" replies Yaoyorozu as she is cut off by Todoroki saying "Okay then,do you wanna go with me?"although Todoroki seemed calmed on the outside,he definitely wasnt in the inside. "Oh yes,of course,Ill go"Said Yaoyorozu with a smile.As Todoroki heard those words he was happy and when he saw her smile he felt his heart was pounding faster,but he didnt know why.


It was now Monday morning as Todoroki got up his mind said today is the day as he got up from bed he went to take a shower.It was normal until he kept getting these weird thoughts

Todoroki pov
*starts picturing Yaoyorozu* What the why do I keep thinking about her.*Pictures Yaoyorozu again* Dammit!Get.Out.of.there. *starts picturing Yaoyorozu smiling* *turns red* dammit.I just gotta ignore that. *starts picturing Yaoyorozu's lips*  *Turns even redder* Wha- Man i guess i really am turing into Mineta *scratches back of head*

As he gets out of the shower he uses his towel to dry his hair then he combs his hair puts on his school uniform takes 60 bucks and heads to his classroom.As he entered he saw all the students already there,he was the last one.As he sat down,Mr.Aizawa walked in."Okay,as you may already know today is the day we go to the arcade.Before we leave for the bus I have to say some things.1 Dont go causing trouble for others 2 if there is danger go to one of the teachers you see and lastly 3 behave well.Okay everyone in a line,lets head out"Finished Mr.Aizawa.

As they entered the bus there were names on the seats Todoroki was the seventh person to enter he was on the far back,he was next to a window he sat there put his seatbelt on and looked out the window.He waited for the bus to move until the person next to him said something...or yelled something. "HEY!!YOU ICY HOT BASTARD,WHEN WE GET BACK WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BATTLE,GOT IT?!" Todoroki just ignored him. "ARE YOU IGNORING ME!!!!" Yelled Bakugo when the bus started moving "Hey bakugo you need to chill dude"said Kirishima "YOU DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU SHITTY HEAD!"

30 mins have passed they were almost at the aracde but it was getting pretty boring,half of the students were asleep,Bakugo wasnt but he decided not to disturb them by just being quiet.Other people were just chatting with the person next to them if they were awake.Todoroki turned his head to see who was asleep he then saw Yaoyorozu she looked like she was about to fall asleep.Next to her was Lida.

Lida was asleep yes but,he was resting on Yaoyorozu's shoulder (not on purpose) When Todoroki saw this he felt a fire ragging inside of him.Bakugo saw him in the corner of his eye and then moved his eye to see what he was looking at,he then realized why he was angry.Todoroki was getting really angry or jealous? He didnt know,but it was enough to make an ice shard come out of hand.It was big enough to hit Bakugo.Which didnt go very welll..."YOU SON OF A-!WATCH WHAT YOUR DOING OR ILL SEND YOU TO HELL!" And with that all the students woke up. "Oh ....sorry about that."replied Todoroki as he burned the ice shard away.Now all you could hear was Bakugo's yelling and students yawing.Then the bus stopped moving.

"Alright,if your parther is asleep wake em up.Anyways as you can tell we are in the parking lot of the arcade.I want to tell you all to get your things,line up and then you can go and do your thing"says Mr.Aizawa.All the students get up and form a line and exit the bus.

Inside arcade

"Whoaaaa!Look at this place!" Says Kirishima "It really is lit!" Says kaminari "Okay pay attention, remember the rules 1 dont go causing trouble for others 2 if you see bad guys go to a teacher and 3 behave.Okay,you have 4 hours on your own we will met right here,Okay your free to go"finishes Mr.Aizawa as he heads off to who knows where.

All the students have left execpt for Todoroki and Yaoyorozu."So what do you want to do?"asks Todoroki
"w-well,Do you want to go play some arcade games?"replies Yaoyorozu
"Yea sure follow me i saw one that looked interesting"says Todoroki as he turns around and walks towards an arcade game.All that Yaoyorozu could see was his back so she went next to him,and now they are on their way to the arcade game,but little did they know someone was watching them by the corner of their eye.

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