Chapter 5

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One day I read about the Richard county fair coming to town. We only leave the house to go to work. So, I suggest we go on a date to the fair. Alice readily agrees.
On Saturday, we get up early in the morning, have a light breakfast and leave. Alice is in a wonderful mood. She is singing along the radio, bobbing her head to the music. I love seeing her so carefree. We should make more time for each other.
We arrive at the fair after one hour of driving. The music can be heard from a mile away. There are so many people today. Children screaming in delight, their parents running after them. And teenagers in groups, daring each other to go on ridrs. I can also see some couples on their first date, holding hands and looking shyly at each other. We get bands from the counter so we don't have to pay for the tickets.
Alice wants to go at the pirate ship first so we get in the long line. After a  long wait, we sit down and fasten our seat belts. The ride starts slowly going faster and faster. Everyone screams when we reach the top. I look at Alice and she is laughing, looking at everyone screaming.We get on Ferris wheel, octopus, flying rocket, flying carpet, gravity,  freefall and many other deadly rides. But Alice is still not scared. She is still not scared
Next we get on a roller coaster, I smile maybe she'll scream now. We go up, down,sideways, round and round in every direction possible. Alice is still laughing at everyone. She even wants to go again. I look at her  shocked.
"What? "
"You want to go again? Don't you get scared of heights or that the track will break and you will die? "
"No, silly. I'm not afraid of heights.And a broken ride can't kill me. Besides , the last time I went to a fair was a century ago."
"Nothing, let's go to the carosel."
She runs away from me. What an odd woman.
Later, we go to various stalls. Eating greasy food and hot soda. There is a man calling people to throw darts and get free toys. Alice goes straight to him and asks for the biggest prize. It is a big teddy bear, wearing a red bow tie. She throws  the one after the other and they all reach the target. Everyone is clapping for her. She gets the bear and gives it to me as a gift. I kiss her softly amd give the bear to a little girl looking at it wistfully.
We walk further away and see a sign for house of horros. I point out the sign and Alive drags me to the entrance. Screams of terror can be heard even from outside. We show our bands and enter the house. Creepy music is playing and lights are flashing. A few steps later and man dressed carrying an axe comes forward. I jump in the air and Alice laughs at me. We continue moving forward, different monsters  come from left and right, but they cannot even get a scream from Alice. She is pointing at them and laughing hysterically. Finally I can see the exit. Suddenly a man dressed in a black cloak grabs Alice. She turns to look at him and the man screams in fright and runs away in fear.I Iook at Alice and the iris of her eyes are red. I blink and they are again brown. I think the haunted house has scared me. I take her hand and we go out.
We are leaving the fair, when I see a small tent with a sign of fortune teller on the top. I pull Alice towards the tent. We enter the tent and see a crystal ball on a small table. An old woman comes from the other side and looks at us angrily. She starts shouting at us and muttering something under her breath.
"How dare you enter my tent? Your kind is not welcome here. "
"Look lady, we just came here for the fortune telling. If you don't want to do it fine, we can leave."
I try to reason with her but she is still glaring at us. I realize she is screaming at Alice. Alice is also glaring at her.She moves towards the old woman but I  pull her back towards the door. But the old woman is still shouting.
"I'll make your life miserable, you foul creature."
We find our car and drive back home. Alice is still seething in rage. Her arms are crossed and she is staring out the window. I turn down the radio and stroke her arm gently. She looks at me and me and holds my hand.
"Don't let that woman bring down your mood."
"She's a witch."
"Well she was rude to us but let's not call her names "
She looks at me in shock.
"I wasn't calling her names. She really is a witch."
She looks serious so I don't say anything else and focus on driving back home.

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