40 1 0

New Camera Woman: Hello everybody, today we will be having an interview with the elf: KEEFE SENCEN!

Keefe: *trademark smirk* Hi, I hear you have some questions about my *cough*relationship*cough* with foster.

NCW: Yes I do! *pulls out a sheet of questions* Let's get started!

NCW: Do you have a crush?

Keefe: *quietly* yes...

NCW: Perfect, some drama!!!!!!! *evil look *

NCW: Who is your crush?

Keefe: is this going to be on the elven news?

NCW: *lies* Um, no. *still has evil look*

Keefe: well then, um, my crush is *cough* foster *cough* *barely audible*


At Havenfield: 

Grady: *watching TV or whatever the elves call it* SOPHIE? 

Grady: *suddenly drops popcorn and pulls out imparter*

Grady: SANDOR!

Sandor: What?

Grady: THAT BOY has a crush on Soph!

Sandor: *gasps* I must get the baseball bat!

Grady: yes. please.

Grady: filming in Atlantis, near Quinlin Sonden's apartment.

Sandor: got it. I must save miss foster from the dangers of him.

Sandor: *muttering*  I thought I said "I go where you go!"

Grady: *also muttering* and I thought I said "don't go near THAT BOY" any previous member of the neverseen is a threat to my daughter.

Sandor: *walked over to the TV while grady was still muttering about keefe* Um sir, you might want to see this...

Sandor: your daughter has walked in and kissed keefe on the lips!

Grady: *angry!!!!* NO, he will pay for this.

Grady: *light leaps*

Sandor: But what about me!!!!!

Sydney: *appears*

Sydney: *sighs* He can't hear you he is going to Atlantis

Sandor: Oh.

Sydney: *sighs again* *disappears*


In the Studio:

Grady: *bursts in*

Keefe and Sophie: *Status: Still Kissing*

Grady: don't you dare kiss my daughter! THAT BOY!

Keefe: *mesmerized* *punchs stomach*

Sophie: *pleading* stop dad stop!!!

Ro: Am I supposed to stop this because I am his bodyguard or something?

NCW: No, by all means, watch him suffer!

Sophie: your fired!!!!!!

NCW: what? but I just got this job!

AD: yeah, but you pretty much suck at it... *sheepishly*

NCW: What? no!!!!!!

AD: and I'm the current director. I say you are fired!

NCW: Fine!!!!! *storms out of studio*

Grady: *has stopped and listened to his daughters wishes*

Grady: THAT BOY kissed you!

Sophie: Actually I kissed him... *sheepishly* 

NCW (More like Old Camera woman now?): *runs back in* AND THAT'S THE END OF KEEFE SENCEN'S INTERVIEW! 

OCW: *quietly* camera women's always end with drama!!!!

In the Background: *can see and hear from TV Grady yelling at Keefe about convincing Sophie to kiss him and Keefe denying it!!!)


:) :) :) yay! this is probably my longest chapter in this book. I think I did longer ones in INJUSTICE, by the way you should check it out it is a book I wrote in 3rd grade, I just published it as a protest to not repeat history. 

It is Historical Fiction...

Bye! see you when I update my next chapter! also Thanks all of my followers for reading my books!!!!!!!

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