Dark Side

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A good friend of mine helped me figure out this idea.

Waverly has just recently broke up with her boyfriend and has started noticing that she has started to notice women in a romantic way more that they used to. So Waverly decides to go to a club a few blocks away from her house just to clear her head when she notices a beautiful girl from across the bar. Nicole has been out of a relationship for a few months and she's starting to give up on dating. One day she decides to go to a club to just hang out and drink like she usually does, but while she's there she meets a gorgeous woman who she's never seen before, even though they live in a smaller town. They introduce themselves and hit it off well. What will happen between the two? Will they become more than just friends or will they remain in the friend zone? Will this woman help Waverly figure out their sexuality or will she be forever confused?

     The Crimson Sin, never in my life did I ever think I would be coming here. I sigh with a light face palm before walking into the club. "Hello miss, ID and preferred color of bracelet," the bouncer at the door says to me. "Blue please," I respond handing him my ID. "Alright, you may head in," he responds giving me my ID back and a blue bracelet. As I walk inside a strange feeling washes over me, not dread, not fear, but hopefulness and excitement. I put on a small smile as I walk over to the bar and order a margarita and that's when I see her.
Short, wavy, red hair that ends right at her shoulders, adorable dimples that show up whenever she smiles, a gorgeous smile that lines her face perfectly, beautiful brown eyes that just scream perfection, and an amazing body that's accentuated by the skinny jeans and white tank top she's wearing with a red and black flannel tired around her waist. God it should be a crime for how amazingly beautiful she is. I see her laughing with a guy before she turns my way and sends me a smirk, her friend soon follows her gaze before a big smile lights up his face. She turns back to him as he speaks to her, but as she does so, I slip through the crowd of people and out one of the terrace doors to take a seat outside and get some fresh air.
I sigh as I lean over the edge of the railing looking out at the street across from me. "You know it's rude to stare," I hear a feminine voice say from behind me. I turn around only to be met with the beautiful gaze of the woman I saw before. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare I just..." she cuts me off by grabbing my wrist lightly. "Hmm... interesting," she gives me a small smirk before showing me her bracelet, blue. "Looks like we're here for the same crowd," she winks with her smirk still evident on her perfect face. My cheeks go red as she speaks and I lose all sense of how to use my vocal chords.
She chuckles a bit before turning her hand over, as to ask for my hand, as she smiles. "Wanna dance? Or I could buy you another drink and we could continue to get to know each other," she says after a few seconds. "I um... I don't even know your name," I respond once I finally am able to find my voice. "Oh, I'm sorry," she laughs a bit, showing her beautiful dimples, before finishing with, "where are my manners, I'm Nicole, Nicole Haught, and you are?" "I'm Waverly Earp, it's nice to meet you Nicole," I respond still a bit flustered. I can feel myself sweating a bit, even though it's a little cold out, and I can feel my knees becoming weak as this literal goddess talks to me. "It's nice to meet you as well Waverly," she smiles as she responds. I smile back before saying, "I would love... like, like to get to know you better," I stammer a bit.
She only chuckles again before asking what I would like to drink, to which I promptly, with a hint of nervousness, reply with, "rosé wine, please." She smiles at my awkwardness before she goes back into the club to get us our drinks. I attempt to find us a table while she does so, and thankfully one freed up as I was looking around. Once I'm situated at the table, Nicole walks out with our drinks in hand and strolls over to me with a small smile playing on her beautiful lips. "You got us a table?" She asks playfully. "Yes ma'am," I smile back trying to hide my shaky tone.
This, in turn, receives a small chuckle from her as she hands me my drink. "Thanks Nicole, I owe you one," I respond as composed as I can be. "Anytime Waves, and you honestly don't have to," she says as her smile grows a bit bigger. "No I seriously do, how about coffee? How about tomorrow morning?" I ask her honestly. "Sure Waves, I'd love to, I'll pick you up at 8, just text me your address," she replies before handing me a business card. I turn it over to read the contents written on it:

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