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Nicole gets hurt badly by a creature that injected venom into her blood like Widow Mercedes had done so many months before. How will Waverly handle this? What if she makes a deal with the Iron Witch, but loses her memory of Nicole because of it? What if said deal ends in a new curse falling upon Purgatory?

"I will help you, but in return I get anything I desire from you," Gretta says, her face cold and certain. "Deal," I respond foolishly sticking my hand out. "This is where you can find what will cure your love," she says handing me a sticky note and waving me off.

I stare at the relic in my grasp as a magnificent weight suddenly falls onto my shoulders. "The remedy for what ails my love," I breathlessly mutter out as my heart clenches tight and my stomach does flips. "I know I shouldn't do this, they're so close, but I have to, I have to save Nicole," I whimper while trying not to cry. I pocket the small relic and rush back to the hospital as fast as I can. "Here! Take it, I can't take the guilt anymore!" I scream at her, earning a few odd looks in the process. She nods and suddenly I feel light headed, before passing out and falling to the tiled floor below.
When I awaken I notice that Wynonna is by my side with a woman I've never seen before and Gretta. "She'll be fine, the only condition is that she won't remember Nicole," Gretta says in a scared tone while Wynonna is holding peacemaker to her head. "Shit," Wynonna curses before dropping peacemaker to her side. "Why?" Is all she says after Gretta leaves. I stay silent not understanding what she... "Why did you give her the relic!?" I wince at her sudden outburst before responding with a simple, "I don't remember." "That means she did it for you Nicole," she groans in a pissed off manner. "You're supposed to be the smart one Waves! You're supposed to be the one with a level head knowing what she's doing and off you go to give the relic, that I had hidden so this wouldn't happen, to her!" She screams. "Do you know what you've unleashed!?" She asks still screaming.
"I-I'm sorry Wy..." "Don't give me that bullshit! You knew exactly what you were doing, and the worst part that because you did that, you forgot the reason why you did it!" She interrupts her voice laced with venom and anger. "Wynonna, maybe you need to..." "Shut the fuck up Nicole! She doesn't know who you are and she just unleashed another curse on Purgatory!" The woman named Nicole turns to me and looks me dead in the eyes with tears rimming hers. She's beautiful, but I can't like her, I'm with Champ, plus I'm not even gay. "Are they right Waves? Do you not remember me?" She asks me worry and sadness lacing her beautiful voice. "I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you I do, but I don't," I respond watching tears slowly fall down her cheeks.
"I need to step outside," she sighs wiping her eyes and walking out of the room. Wynonna follows in suit, because she quite possibly doesn't want to see me anymore until she has her thoughts back in order. "You can get her memories back by doing small things like exposing her to photos, scenarios, videos, or other things that might spark something within her brain," I hear Gretta say outside still scared out of her whits. "Great, now get lost," I hear Wynonna snarl at the woman. I hear two sets of foot steps walking away from the room before the sound disappears and an uncertain and uncomfortable silence falls upon my empty room.
After a few minutes, Wynonna and Nicole walk back into the room and Nicole's face is stained with tears that had been shed not too long before. "Hey," I say in a hushed and uncertain tone. "Hey," she responds in a similar tone, but hints of sorrow and pain are also clearly evident as she speaks. "I'm sorry," is all I'm able to muster out as tears start to fall from my own eyes. Nicole walks up to my side and gives me a tight hug as I feel tear drops, that are not my own, start to hit my skin. "I m-may not know exactly wh-what I did or why I did it, but I am truly sorry, I didn't think that..." "Waves, please, just be quiet. You did this to save Nicole. She was bitten by who knows what trying to save you," Wynonna interrupts.
"I-Is that true Nicole?" I ask. She nods her head as she looks me in the eyes. "I'm so sorry," I look down at my hands before Nicole lifts my chin up to look at her and the instant my eyes lock with her's, my heart stops. I never realized how gorgeous she was until this very moment, so I do the only logical thing I can think of doing... I kiss her. Our lips feel so right together, it's almost scary how well they meld together in perfect harmony. When we both pull away there's a small stream of saliva that still connects our lips for a few seconds before it breaks as well and we stay there just staring into each other's eyes not saying a word.
     And that's when it happens, all of the memories from the past year flood into my brain like the force of twenty tidal waves hitting all at once.

"I'm Nicole, Nicole Haught."

"You're a lesbian not a unicorn, right?"

"When I think about what I want to do most in this world, it's you."

"As long as you want me, I will be by your side."

"I remember every second I was with you."

"Each touch. Every kiss."

"You are extraordinary."

"I have never loved anyone the way I love you."

"I said that you are the only, luscious, funny, hot as hell baby that I need."

"I'm not losing anyone else I love today.

"Because I do, I do Nicole Rayleigh Haught, I really really love you."

     "Is that a yes?" I ask as all of my past memories with Nicole start to come back to me in a clear, strong force that makes her eyes grow wide as her and Wynonna simultaneously gasp. "Haught damn you did it!" Wynonna cheers. Nicole still stares at me with shock and happiness present in her eyes. I let out a low but light chuckle before I say, "you never did answer my question Nicole." "You never did properly ask me it though," she says letting out a small laugh. "Well then allow me to do so in a proper fashion," I respond getting out of my hospital bed and getting down on one knee.
     "Will you, Nicole Rayleigh Haught," I pull out a small velvet box from my cardigan pocket and open it before finishing with, "make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?" Her hands lay over her mouth as tears start to fall from her beautiful brown eyes. "Well Nicole, is that a yes?" She nods her head fast before saying happily through her tears, "yes! Yes!1 million times yes!" I stand up and place the ring on her finger before placing her a sweet and chaste kiss on her luscious pink lips. When we break, we rest our foreheads together and smile before hearing Wynonna clapping behind us. "Woo! You go Waves!" She says happily before coming to hug the both of us. Nicole and I both laugh at Wynonna's cheers as we hug her back.

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