Official. (Sylvain Gautier)

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Happy birthday,
Sylvain Gautier!

Fire Emblem: Three
Houses minor post time
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June 5th, 2020.


"WE COULD ALWAYS RUN AWAY, you know," you suggested, running your fingers through Sylvain's vibrant auburn locks. "We don't have to fight this war."

Sylvain's light copper eyes were focused distantly on the window, willing his fellow students not to interrupt his and your precious moment of privacy, knowing these don't come often. The more your fingers combed through his hair, however, the more he drifted away from those fears, and the more he gave into your relaxing touch.

"We could. But, they need you here, (Y/N)."

You stopped your petting to lean closer to where he sat on the floor, slouched against his bed a few inches from you. You didn't speak until your soft gaze was met by his own, partially distressed one.

"They need you too, Sylvain," you comforted gently, starting again the process of caressing his hair. He leaned into your touch, but unlike before, he didn't close his eyes; he kept his gaze steady to yours.

When he spoke again, his voice was softer than before. "For what? I'm nothing more than a soldier. You are a living legend."

You sighed, cupping the side of his face in your palm. He delicately covered your hand with his own.

"Sometimes, I don't want to be," you admitted. "Sometimes, I just want to be a girl you flirt with."

He shook his head, a small grin quirking up the side of his mouth. "No, because then you wouldn't stand out. You aren't just any girl, (Y/N). You're... I..."

In the instances where Sylvain was at a loss for words, you would wait until he mustered up the strength to say them. So, you curled into his side, patient.

Soon, his stuttering ceased, and he snaked an arm around your waist, welcoming your embrace. You placed a hand over his heart and listened to the light chatter from passing students outside.

It took serious self restraint, but Sylvain had stopped flirting with other girls for you. With that, Sylvain shut away his offhand comments regarding beauty and love, because he wanted you to know that he actually meant what he said to you. So, he waited a long time to say the special three words; he wanted you to have confidence that he actually meant them.

Sylvain rested his cheek against your soft hair. He took a deep breath, then out came the phrase. "(Y/N), I love you."

You ducked your head out from under his, eyes sparkling. As he spoke, you slid your hand from his heart to his face.

"I don't want us to have to run away in order to get married," he sighed, resting the back of his head against his bed frame. "I want everyone to know that we're in love."

"Me too, Sylvain." You rested your head against his chest. "Me too."

A few silent moments passed. The sun was quickly passing the torch to the moon as it retired past the horizon; outside of the dormitory, the temperature dropped consequently, but you couldn't care less. In Sylvain's arms, you had all of the warmth you could ever need.

"As soon as this war ends, we can have our happy ending," you vowed. "I promise."

Sylvain bobbed his eyebrows, peering down at you. "I can't wait that long."

You chuckled. "I know you can't. What should we do, then?"

"Well, since we can't run away, what if we... oh, I don't know... get married? Right now?"

You gazed at the engagement ring adorning your finger. "Officially?"

"Yes." Sylvain intertwined his fingers with yours before shifting so he was on one knee in front of your sitting figure. "Will you officially marry me, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?"

"Yes, Sylvain Gautier," you beamed. "I will officially marry you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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