♡Chapter One♡

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"Hey....wake up..." The sleeping girl heard a voice call out to her. Her side felt something nudge her too along the male's words, her eyes slowly fluttering open whilst a low groan left her lips.
Her body rolled over in anticipation, while her ears heard chains rattle as she moved.
"W...where am I...?" The words left her lips like a whisper as she looked up at the man standing above her.

Her heart sunk as her eyes locked with the unblinking eyes of the man hovering over her figure. "Oh great you are awake....I thought my toy will be broken, it would've have been a pity but I'm glad you are alive....for now!" His voice was sweet and innocent, yet had this weird psychotic tone. She should know since she is a psychologist.

She gulped and looked up at him. Her vision cleared and she took a scan around noticing her hands tied above her head and her angles were too tied together. She scrambled to sit and leaned against the walls behind her. She brought some courage in her question this time and looked at the male dead in the eyes, "Where am I?"

The words had a good amount of confidence showing she wasn't afraid of him. The unblinking eyes stared back as he crouched down to her level. That's when the obvious outline of the males carved smile was brought to her attention, mentally sweating as she continued to stare back. The blue pupils of the eyes seemed to shrink, his face taking a twisted crazed look, "Aww don't worry love you are in great hands my little masochistic kitten~" he cooed and flicked her forehead, "Silly..." he mumbled before getting up to his feet.

He stood rather tall from what she noticed. He had short messy black hair. His eyes had dark circles around them and his lips were craved out into a smile. On his right side a cross earring loosely tangled left to right as the other owned a stud and some hoops. He wore a rather strange outfit, it was like a hoodie crop top with an almost see through black shirt underneath, bringing out his pale skin and a pair of black jeans with some black and white converse to match.

As her eyes trailed to inspect his body she noticed dried blood staining him head to toe. Even with this horrible light filling the room it was rather obvious. She bit her lips as she sat there. A while went without a word except the painful steps around the creaky floorboards as the male wondered around the room.

"So....what's your name...?" The words sweetly escaped the girls lips as she stared at the floorboards blankly. She heard a clearance of his throat and heard something cream as it was sat on.

"My name is Jeff....Jeff the killer..." The male  grumbled, the cold blue eyes of his stared right back into her own. His eyes slowly seemed to gaze at her body up and down as if stripping her off her clothes with only his look. She saw a smile spread across his cut up lips adding to his eternal smile before blank words left his lips.

"You....you are really pretty....mm....maybe the prettiest thing I've saw in a while...."

His words made her break eye contact as she looked at her lap. Her heart beat picked up a little making her exhale with a huff, 'No...no...Y/n....you gotta get it together....this guy kidnapped you....a...and his looks don't seem to show he's much of a nice guy....ugh...he might kill me I gotta get out of here...!' She shook her head a little and inhaled calming herself. Compliments weren't things she usually got from people, especially not boys. She wasn't ugly or anything she just didn't hear people comment on her looks often.

Getting back to her actual situation, she raised her gaze to look back at the male but he was missing from his original spot on the edge of the bed. Now he was standing right in front of  a dirty and cracked window. The clouds covered the sun causing the light to be dark. He just stood there before bursting into laughter, "Ahaha I guess God have a little blessing despite my sins huh? Mmm thank you for giving me such thoughtful friends...no...no allies..." he muttered to himself before turning over to her. There it was his cold blue eyes had this craze in them that made even the bravest shiver.

"Mmmm I have so many games I wanna mm dying to play with you~ We gonna have sooo much fun~" Jeff cooed along his little giggles. The closer he moved the louder they got, eventually the source of the giggles was right before Y/n's powerless body.

Her eyes cautiously followed as his hand reached over  to her face. His fingers lightly brushed against her soft skin. The touch caused her to shiver, his finger tips were ice cold.
As if Jeff's smile couldn't get larger at the response her body gave to his light touch. "You are so adorable~" he cooed with a small laugh and grabbed her chin between his fingers, "I already have so many thoughts on what I will do to you...but for now I'll contain myself..." He mumbled, slowly pulling his hand away before lightly flicking her forehead, "Now don't be an idiot and do something stupid alright sweetie? You don't wanna die so young do you?" He questioned and titled his head, watching her shake her head in response to his question.

"Good girl...." He giggled a little before patting her head, gently ruffling her hair a little. He placed his hands on his thighs before he stood back up to his feet. He gazed down at her, "I'll go get you some food I'm sure you are hungry, so I'll be back soon don't go anywhere alright, sweetie?"

He giggled and stuffed his hands in his jean pockets, "Oh right you can't...how silly of me, ahaha" he laughed softly before turning on his heels, heading to the door of the room, "You don't so anything silly now sweetheart mkay?" He called putting softly  before he walked out of the room.

"Who does he think he is...?" Y/n whispered under her breath as soon as Jeff walked out. She sat there on the cold floor against a wall, curled up best she could to keep warm. After a few seconds she heard keys being rattled, before hearing the door click .

"Did he just lock the door...?" She asked herself, her gaze back on the door now. Another few seconds passed before she heard footsteps head down some stairs.

That's it huh....I'm all alone now...until he returns I suppose...

She sighed and looked down at the floor once more. She'll get out of this but for now it will be better if she just plays along.
Author's Note :
• So first chapter of a due-over on my other Jeff the killer x reader story. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and will be excited for the second chapter.

• Thank you for reading! And come back soon for Chapter Two!
Also if you like it please vote and give some feedback!

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