♡Chapter Five♡

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Y/n caught no sleep the previous night, maybe a few minutes before the other woke up at five in the morning and awoke her.

Jeff lightly nudged her with his foot and titled his head looking down at her. "Mmm wake up..." he mumbled in a low raspy tone.

Y/n groaned a little and pulled herself to sit, "What do you want...?" She questioned quietly as she looked up at him in the dark. He didn't seem to catch the question and just spoke on, "Wake up...I wanna play" He mumbled with a small hushed giggle

Y/n's tired eyes started at the really close pale figure before her. "Fuck off..." she grumbled quietly as she placed her free hand over his face and pushed him back into the dark. Jeff's hand tightly wrapped around her wrist and pulled the hand off his face. "You don't talk to me that way, puppet..." he scoffed and untied her other hand while he held the wrist of the other.

The girl felt herself being pulled up to her feet by her wrists and dragged by the edge of the bed. Jeff made her sit and a still tight grip to one of her wrists he looked into the drawer by the bed. "You know.... you're ever so pretty..." he hummed as he pushed a few things around the drawer. Her body froze. Y/n didn't know what to do as she just have a nod and sat there as if she was just frozen up. The noise of chains rattling made her blink as she looked over at the drawer.

As he took out whatever it was one end fell to the ground and made a small thud which caused the poor girl to flinch, pulling her arm back- the action was prevented by the greedy male however as he held her in place. Cold metal wrapped around her once held wrist, "H..hey wait what are you doing?" She asked and tugged her hand away as she watched him lean down and grab the other end. "Well since I don't have a leash to tug you around with... this will do~" he hummed as the other end clicked around his wrist.

The chain between them was around a meter maybe but she wasn't sure as she felt her wrist he tugged on. "Shall we go on a walk then doll face?" He smiled wider than before and it made her shudder in place. She looked down at her bare feet a moment and up at him. "I can't go out barefooted.." she whispered and looked away.

"Aww sweetheart don't worry you'll be okay now get your ass up-" He huffed and tugged her up. He lead the way out. Grabbing a key of sorts from the furniture next to the door. As he unlocked the door and placed the key somewhere in his pocket once the locked clicked open. "Where are you taking me?" She asked as she heard the door creak open the chilly breeze hit her bare feet and made her shiver. "Like I said out-" he replied as he walked out tugging her along and leaving the door open.

Each step was terrifying to her. She got lead down a staircase of dust and she felt the dirt build on her feet. She shivered immediately as they walked down the steps. The atmosphere was getting colder and colder if she was honest. She didn't like it. The slightest of sunlights peered through some holes on the walls. As it was so early in the morning it was quite hard to make out anything so she just let Jeff lead the way.

"Don't get too disturbed princess everything is fine" his voice was heard but she honestly didn't care. Y/n was looking for something or a sign of sorts as they walked that might help her figure it out. She bumped into Jeff's back as he came to a stop. "Hey watch it!" He snarled as he used the dim light in what seemed like a very run down kitchen area and walked to a cupboard and swung the cabinets door open. "So not many choices in fortunately..." he hummed softly as he found himself smirking sitting her up a counter top. "Hope you aren't too allergic to anything... I only have so many options at hand" he giggled and grabbed some sort of jar or can but she didn't see very well if she was honest. Her eyes barely registered that he even grabbed something.

Not only she's stuck here: chained to a psychopath but now she was gonna eat whatever diseased thing he has going on. She touched her chained wrist and fiddled with the cuff around her wrist for a moment while he opened a jar or whatever he was doing. She looked off to her left and saw a doorway with a large shadow peering in with large glowing eyes but once she blinked it was gone. She felt her heart beat pick up. Her ears filling with the loud noise of her heart beat as she tried to figure out what she saw. That's until her arm got poked and an oddly sweet stench hit her nose.

"What's this..?" She mumbled and looked over at him as he sighed and shrugged, "Honestly I don't know but it's been keeping me from starving so just eat it or I'll make you eat it-" he hummed annoyed as he leaned by Y/n's side. The small jar rested in her hands for a moment as she poked at the dark red goop with her little spoon. "This looks disgusting..." she mumbled as she heard a giggle from her right, "it tastes nicer than it looks" he hummed as he ate the sweet smelling gelatine substance. She sighed and shrugged as she took a spoonful making her cringe a little as she wasn't used to the irony taste. It was so so disgusting yet it didn't taste half bad.

She took a few more spoonfuls but then placed it aside. "I can't eat all of this- it's so irony and and all-" she jumped off the counter wanting to move herself away from him but she didn't get far as he tugged her back. "You sit until you finish." He replied as he placed his small jar down. Her pulled her over and grabbed hers and took a half spoonful of the red paste and gently placed it to her lips. "Open wide" he mumbled as he stood before her his skin having a sort of shine under the early morning light. It almost made him look normal when you get passed the missing eyelids and that hideous smile of his.

Despite the crazed look across his face he looked quite peaceful. She pulled her head back a little as she shook her head no. He sighed and placed the small jar down grabbing her chin as he pressed her cheeks together and made her mouth part slightly at the pain. He placed the spoon in her mouth with slight force as the metal hit her teeth. "I said open wide because I don't wanna hear you complain about not having anything... plus your stomach made many noises the whole night and I'm done hearing about those-" he scoffed and twisted the spoon pulling it along her tongue as he got the paste off, shutting her lips.

"Now swallow-"

The command received a simple action as she swallowed. The girls eyes locking with his unblinking dark orbs. Her cheeks beginning fo get a slight tint at his actions. He seems so forceful yet tender it didn't seem like the same person. That look on his face was too inhumane. She was going to comment on it but she didn't as she shut her lips once more.

"Good girl doll face~"

Author's note :
honestly it's been ages since I updated so have your juice you fellow remaining creepypasta fans-
Hope you liked this chapter <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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