UA Entrance Exam

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*Go to the end of the chapter to read about Y/N's Quirk please.*

The UA High School hero course, the course designed to give students everything they need to go Pro, it's without a doubt the toughest and most popular hero course in the country, only 1 in 300 applicants are accepted into this course, and Y/N is going to try her best to get accepted into it.


Y/N approached the towering walls, looking up in awe. This was going to be the school she got into and she's not taking no for an answer. Not wanting to waste anymore precious time, Y/N walked into the auditorium, unnoticed by the huge crowd of people in there with her. Y/N looks around a bit, seeing how many people there were and how big it was, before jumping at the loud voice that belonged to none other then the Pro Hero: Present Mic.

"Welcome to today's live performance!!" Present Mic said in an annoyingly loud voice. "Everybody say "Hey!!" Silence. Y/N snickers to herself quietly. 'Damn everybody do be kinda shy doe.' She thought before listening to what the loud blonde had to say.


'Huh, so all we have to do is take down some faux villains with our quirks and earn some points. Easier thought then done but lets-' Y/N's thoughts were suddenly cut off when a blue haired boy with glasses started complaining about something to do with the exam. Y/N rolled her eyes and paid no mind to his petty, annoying words until he started to call out a green haired boy.

"You've been muttering this whole entire time... it's distracting! If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!" Y/N quickly shot up from her place without any hesitation. 

"Wohoho, hold your damn horses buckeroo. If his muttering is so "distracting" to you then ignore it! Ever heard of that fancy word? Look it up sometime. If this thing is a game to anybody in here, it's you. You're the one being distracting and wasting our time. Now, if you're done shit talking pull that stick out of your ass, sit back down and shut your trap." The blue haired boy looked at Y/N with a dumbfound expression before pushing up his glasses and sitting back down. Y/N let out a noise of content before sitting back down herself.

As Present Mic continued explaining about the practical, Y/N zoned out a bit. 'Was I too harsh? I was really heated in the moment.. maybe I should apologize?' Y/N was pulled out of her thoughts once she heard Present Mic say "Plus Ultra!" 'Oh my gOD talk louder I dare you,' she thought to herself before making her way to the entrance exam grounds.


Once she got outside, she looked around a bit. 'Holy crap, it's literally a whole city. It'll be like we're actual Pros for a while.'

Everyone looked around a bit before we heard Present Mic say "And Begin!" Confusion was written on almost everybody's faces, wondering what they had to do. 

"What's wrong? The test's started! Run! Run!" Y/N's eye's widened before she sprinted into the city, a look of determination on her face.


'71, 72.. that should be enough points right?' Y/N thought to herself before making a bow and arrow out of the darkness of the pavement, her eyes glowing a bright blue and a dark aura surrounding her, aiming it at a three pointer.

She released the arrow from her finger tips, smirking when the bot blew up. The bow faded as she deactivated her quirk. She sighed softly before seeing a mass of people running the opposite direction of a huge robot. 'A zero pointer.' She thought before activating her quirk.

Once she teleported threw the darkness of shadows and pavement, she spotted a brunette on the ground looking like she was struggling and the boy she was defending earlier running towards the huge robot then jumping into the air. Y/N ran toward the action at full speed.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Y/N asked before helping the girl to her feet.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you." The brunette responded, smiling tiredly. Y/N looked up at the robot to see that it's blowing up and the curly haired boy falling at an alarming rate. Y/N's breathe hitched before activating her quirk, her eyes once again glowing into a bright blue color.

She quickly made giant black wings on her back, similar to her mother's, before propelling herself into the air. 

"Gotcha!" She said while catching him, holding him bridal style. Once she landed she gently placed him onto the pavement. He began mumbling about "Just one point." 

"Hey, hey. Don't move, you'll only make it more painful and worse." She said, lightly placing her hand on his back to keep him from moving too much.

Once Mic announced that the exam was over, the Pro Heroine: Recovery Girl walked around healing people. Once she got over to the boy she frowned a bit.

 "Almost looks as though.." 

"His body isn't used to his quirk yet.." Y/N said, finishing Recovery Girl's sentence. The heroine nodded, making a small noise of agreement, before giving him a kiss on his head. 

"This one will be fine, are you alright dear?" She asked Y/N. 

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine just a couple scrapes and bruises, nothing major." She said, smiling softly. Recovery girl nodded before giving Y/N a gummy bear. She looked at the candy before taking one last look at the boy. She sighed, feeling bad for him before she walking home.


Once Y/N arrived at her house, she fiddled with her keys a bit and stepped through the door. Once she took off her shoes, she made her way to her room, grabbed some comfy clothing, and made her way to her decent sized bathroom.

She started the shower, making sure it was on the colder side before stripping from her current clothing, then looking into her mirror. 'Damn, I have more bruises then I thought I would have..' She thought to herself before opening the glass door and stepping under the cold water, letting the events from earlier wash away from her delicate skin.

"Fucking hell I forgot my phone!"

Hey! So this chapter's kinda long sorry! But here's some information about Y/N's quirk.

Name: Dark Manipulation, though it's enhanced/Over Powered due to One For All.

Y/N can basically manipulate anything dark, whether it be shadows, the night sky, or even dark clothing. She can make whatever she imagines, there's not really a limit to what her quirk can do/make. When her quirk is activated, her eyes glow dark blue and she has a dark aura around her, it isn't heavy but it's noticeable. Her quirk is very powerful, she can go as far as traveling through darkness and making orbs of darkness herself, though making orbs of darkness herself takes a lot of energy out of her. But, with every powerful quirk, there are powerful drawbacks as well.

Drawbacks: Small drawbacks include major headaches, feeling lightheaded and fatigue. The more dangerous and deadly drawbacks are noticeable. For starters, her aura becomes darker and darker. Then her eyes become dark and black, darkness surrounding her eye as well. And the final one is darkness getting to her heart. If she overuses her quirk, pushing her limits too hard, she begins to turn into darkness herself. It starts at the tips of her fingers and tips of her toes, if she keeps using the quirk the darkness will continue to move up her arms and legs, and once the darkness reaches her heart, she goes into cardiac arrest and dies.
And credits to whoever drew that art i inserted up there!

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