Chapter 5 - I'll Poke Out Your Eyes

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I woke up the next morning only to realise I had a massive headache. I felt sick and just wanted to stay in bed. And at that moment, my phone went off. I turned over to reach it only to come face to face with the floor, my legs still tangled in the blanket on my bed.

Once I'd untangled myself, I grabbed my phone.

From 3:

It's time to review your new EBill.

I turned my phone off. I fell on my face for a text off 3. Great.

The time was 11:30am. I brushed my hair and put a PJ top on with some joggers. I cleaned my make up off my face and tore off the bracelet which was around my elbow. Then I walked downstairs.

"Mum. What's for breakfast?" I said, only to realise she was on a business trip. She had left last night while i was at the party. I searched through my contacts and tried to call Lenni, she didn't pick up. The only person I could think of that wasn't at the party, and isn't drunk is Ryan. I groan and call him. 1 ring. 2 rings. 3 ri-

"Yo, Alexis. What's up?" He asked.

"I'm hungover and need someone to help me make breakfast and stay with me. Lenni is drunk and the rest of the girls were at the party. Please can you come round." I asked.

"Sure babe, text me the address." he said.

"Ugh just don't call me babe," I said and hung up. Then when I texted him the address, he turned up 10 minutes later.

"Hey." I said. He started chuckling. I raised an eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You... You... Look down." he couldn't stop laughing. And there was my joggers, on backwards with the name 'sexy' across the front instead of the back. I groaned and turned bright red. Don't ask why i have these joggers, i don't remember buying them.

"Shut up now Ryan or I'll poke out your eyes with the nearest fork I can find." I said. That shut him up. As he walked in, I realised he had pancake mix, Finding Nemo, Mean Girls and 21 Jump Street. I poked him in the arm and pointed at the DVD's.

"Take your pick." He said as he went into the kitchen to make pancakes. I picked 21 Jump Street. It's one of my favourite movies and Channing Tatum is too dreamy.

I changed my joggers the right way round and got a duvet from upstairs. I placed 21 Jump Street in the DVD player and jumped onto the couch, waiting for my pancakes.

"You? 21 Jump Street? I've never seen a girl pick that over Mean Girls or Finding Nemo." Ryan said, handing me my pancakes and taking a seat next to me. I chuckled and started eating. I spread the Nutella over the pancakes as 21 Jump Street started. Then I placed my plate on the table when I'd finished and when I leaned back, Ryan pulled me in and put his arm around my shoulder. This was perfect. A little too perfect.

A couple of hours later, when the movie finished, i looked at Ryan to realise he had fallen asleep. Great. He still had his arm wrapped round me and he looked really cute while he slept. Almost ho-

"Alexis? You okay?" Ryan asked. I snapped out of my daydream.

"Oh, yes. Yeah i'm good, why?" I asked quickly.

"You just zoned out, it was quite creepy to see, actually." Ryan said laughing. I lightly smacked his arm and got up off the couch, picking up my empty plate and carrying it into the kitchen.

"Doing anything tonight?" Ryan asks, edging closer to me.

"I don't think so, just chilling by myself, i might call Lenni over," I say as i turn from him and grab a drink out of the fridge. I turn around to come face to face to Ryan, his body inches from mine.

He moves his face towards me like he's going to kiss me, only to move his head to the side and whisper in my ear, "Maybe you shouldn't call Lenni over, maybe we can stay here ourselves." His voice was almost too tempting. He moved his face away and turned around, heading for the front room.

"Ryan," I say, loud enough for him to hear. "How about we play a game?"

He smirks.

"And what game would that be, pretty?" he says, walking towards me again. I pull his shirt so his face is inches away from mine. I do what he did, and move my face so it's closer to his ear.

"Tag. You're it," I say as i laugh and duck under him, running up the stairs.

"Oh for fuck sake, Alexis. How didn't i see this coming." He shouts and he heads upstairs to try and find me.

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Twitter - @calluxs

Madds x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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