•》Chapter XIV: "First Heartbreak" - Part1《•

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Claire remembered Zach bears the blood of a high-ranked Angthen. She hesitated at first, but seeing their complicated situation forced her to make a decision.

While enduring the pain, she used her mind to communicate to him.

Her: 'Zach, can you hear me?'

Him: 'Yes'

Her: 'I need your help'

Him: 'Tell me what to do'

Her: 'You hold Cerro's blood. I need it to seal the scythe.'

Him: 'Got it'

"Ark! Can you hold them for a moment? Claire needs help." Zach yelled.

"Go! ...but if you heard me screaming, that means I'm in trouble." he yelled back.

Zach didn't waste time and immediately flew up in the air. When he reached Claire and saw her struggling to control her weapon, he lifted his sword and cut his palm without hesitation.

Blood quickly dripped down on his fingers.

Claire took her dagger from her waist belt and clutched it's handle with her teeth. She gripped on the blade tight until blood came out from her hand.

"Come forward slowly." she instructed after putting the dagger back in its scabbard.

Zach followed. He knew the mist won't hurt him, so he bravely did what she said.

Once he's nearer, he looked at Claire's face and noticed her terrified expression.

"This is going to hurt you a little bit." she told him.

"Let's do it." he replied in a fearless voice.

"Once I lifted the scythe, grab on the top of the staff. We'll slide down our hands until we reach the tip. Since you have my mark, you can able to touch it for few seconds, so we have to do it fast." she instructed.

"Got it" he said firmly.

When she lifted the weapon, they held on the handle at once.

Zach quickly felt the burning feeling coming from the weapon's touch.

When Claire moved her hand, so did he. They slid their tight grip together leaving their blood on the surface of the staff.

The scythe immediately absorbed it. Slowly, the mist retreated back and the dark volts receded.

Claire sighed in relief. Zach who was breathing heavy was equally eased.

"Here" he said when he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket.

He took her bleeding hand and wrapped it with it. Claire felt a little guilty while seeing his palm also covered with blood. She knew how important his hand is to him.

"Sorry, I made you do that." she said softly.

"I'll do anything for you." he replied.

Claire smiled. She felt lucky to have someone like him who's willing to do selfless things for her.

"Come on. Let's finish this mess." she called.

When they got back on the rooftop, they found Ark chasing his breath after knocking down five humans at once.

"I thought you'll never come back... I'm about to scream for help." he said between his heavy breathing.

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