Feeding tube

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The nurse came in to Ian's hospital room. To discuss some thing with Laurel and Ian. Barley was at home.

The nurse started. So Ian has lost 15 pounds. He was already under weight when e he first came here and this is not good for him. We are most likely if he drops more pounds going to insert an NG tube. Can you please try to get him to eat we really hate to do that to people. Laurel with a few tears that fell down and nodded. Yes we will.

Laurel sighed. And took her glasses off. Ian honey we really need to get you to eat. I really don't feel well and I'm not hungry mom Ian responded. I know honey but you do not want this feeling to but it's not fun to be put in forward to having it's just not fun in general. OK mom fine I'll try to eat Ian said. Thanks honey I love you so much Laurel said.

A few days past. They weighed Ian and he had lost 40 pounds. 25 more pounds than A few days before . The nurses had no choice but to give him a feeding tube. The nurses assistant gently pat Laurel on the back. May I have a word With you she asked. Of course Laurel responded. They brought Laurel to another room

So Ian has now lost 40 pounds. The nurse said. So he is going to be put on a feeding tube. We will do it later today. I just thought you would be better at giving the news. Laurel remembered that barley was gonna come visit again. She knew Ian would listen to him the most. Laurel started to cry again. Yes thank you I'll tell him. Thankfully Barley came after that. Barley honey we really need to talk

They were in Guinevere the second. So you know Ian's lost a lot of weight Laurel said. Yes I do Barley said. I hate to scare you but he's lost 40 pounds Laurel said. Barley felt a lump in his throat but he took a deep breath. So they're gonna give him a feeding tube. Can you please tell him about this. I know he listens to you a lot and you're like a father to him Laurel asked. Barely smiled of course I can anything for my wonderful mom. Thank you honey she said

Hi honey Laurel said as she was entering into the hospital room. So your mom just spoke with the doctor Barley said. You have lost 40 pounds. So they are going to put you on a feeding tube. For how long will I have it in Ian asked. I don't know you but you know you really need to gain weight so you need it Barley stated. Ian nodded OK he said. Thank you Ian you're such a trooper Barley replied.

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