Can I kill him?

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Elena stood up when the groundbridge opened up. She limps over to the front where Ratchet, Miko, Jack, Raf, and her siblings were. For hours she was asked questions like 'are you alright?' or 'does anything hurt'? It kept annoying her.

All she was hoping for was to see her mate safe and sound.

First, came in her parents and Optimus. The look on Korea's face showed something was wrong. Elena watched as Arcee, Bumblebee, and the rest of her siblings come back. There were many cuts and scratches on them. Everyone was alive and well. That was all that mattered right now.

Second, Predaking walked in. There was energon spilt all over him. Dragon blood was all over his claws. Elena felt her heart leap when she saw him. But it disappeared when someone else stepped out of the groundbridge.

Her eyes widened in horror when she saw the one person she didn't want to see.

Dark Moon. Her ex-mate.

Elena felt everything die once she made eye contact with him. This couldn't be happening. She backs away but her back met the wall. "No! No! No!" Elena repeated angrily. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" Elena screamed. It sounded more like a plea instead of a demand.

There was sadness in Dark's eyes as he looked at Elena. He took one step toward her but was stopped by nearly all of Elena's siblings and Predaking. All glaring furiously at him. Them silently daring him to do something.

"Why are you here!? I thought you were dead." Elena took a threatening step forward. She flexes her fingers. The tips of her claws growing longer and sharper. "Sierra-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! I'm gonna kill you!" Elena screamed. She jumps into the air and lunges at Dark.

Dark and Elena crashed on to the ground and began to wrestle. It was like seeing two male lions fighting. Elena was trying to tear his skin off. Dark was trying to shove her off.

Korea, Rans, Predaking, AND Optimus grabbed Elena and yanked her off of him. Everyone heard a hard tear when Elena let go. And it was Dark's skin.

There was blood all over the floor. Skin was hanging in a flap on Dark's arm. Pure terror and agony was in his eyes as he gripped his arm. Elena wasn't showing mercy toward him as she glared.

"That's one way for a greeting." Dark said sarcastically. He lays his skin where it was before the damage and it soon healed back into its original state. "Oh sorry, I should've greeted you with much worse!" Elena snapped. She wrenches away from her parents' arms and storms away. Everyone's eyes and optics watching her.

She walks down the hallway to her room. Ignoring the increasing pain.

'How in hell is he here?! I thought he died decades ago!' Elena thought furiously. She enters her room and shuts the door. Nearly collapsing on her bed without a care. A grunt escaping her lips. 'I thought he was out of my life forever.' Elena thought with a sigh.

She rubs her left wrist. Feeling a deep scar in the form of a bite mark. Elena could still remember how she got it. Dark had bitten into her wrist on the night he betrayed her. He tried to kill her by draining her life blood and energy.

The pain from that night came back to her. The searing pain running through her. Blood staining her clothes and skin. She remembered the look on Dark's face as he hurt her. It was full of glee and evil.

Elena let out a groan when her bite seemed to catch fire. She looks down at her wrist. It was like the mere sight of it sent pain.

"Elena?" Predaking's voice surprised her. She shot her head toward him. Finding him at the doorway. He was watching her with worry. "Is everything alright?" he asked as he shuts the door. "My ex-mate is here. The one who nearly killed me decades ago. What do you think?" Elena grumbles. She rolls on her back and looks at him.

Predaking sat down next to her and lays his servo on her shoulder. His touch calmed her down. It gave her strength.

Slowly, Elena sat up and leaned closer to Predaking. Giving a slow but passionate kiss. Predaking settled into it and returns the kiss. Their tongues began to tangle together. Purrs rumbling through both of their throats. Predaking lays next to Elena and wraps his arms around her. Careful not to hurt her as he held her close.

"Whatever he has done to you I won't let him do it again. No one harms my mate." Predaking whispered in her ear. He ran his claws through Elena's hair. A protective growl rumbling in his vocal. "Dark won't tear us apart. He doesn't deserve my acceptance after what he did." Elena grumbled. "I know its a personal question, but what did he do?"

Her breath was caught in her throat. A painful twinge was tight in her chest. "One night when I was mated to him. During my rest, Dark . . . tried to kill me. He tried to drain my blood and life energy. While I was lying on the ground . . . he killed our daughter . . . right in front of me." Elena had tears run down her face. The scales on her face glistened from her salty tears.

"That . . . slagger!" Predaking roared. His eyes glowed a brighter gold. Furious growls rumbling. "Can I kill him?" Predaking asked. "Not until we know his plan." Elena answered tiredly. She closes her eyes and slowly drifts asleep. Predaking looks down at her before smiling a little. He bends down and gives her a kiss on the forehead. But slowly slipped out of the berth and left the bedroom.

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