Part 24

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"Don't mind me though. I'm just a 'sit-in'. " Christiana giggled, " But Xavier, Xavier insisted I would come. "

It feels like my heart being crushed by a train as I looked over him for answers with my questioning face, perplexed.

What happened to lastnight and the night before that?

Trying to ask why he did this, how he did this to me, why did he have to lie, why he makes me hope for something we shouldn't have in the future.

What an asshole does he think he is! Making me believe about us, that there is something more than us!

And now, his fiancee is here.

I widened my fake smile and blinked over to fcking Christiana, and especially to her fcking fiancee where I bore my stare longer. " No, actually, I am just interested in the subject and its topic about beheading people who cheat... other people. I think it was intriguing. "

" I know, me too! " She squealed in delight.

When it wasn't my place at all to say or even think, there is a small part of me that's starting to feel bad about Christiana. She doesn't know a thing about us. What we were doing behind her back. But the large part covered mostly about my hate and confusion about Xavier's doing.

" Don't mind me asking but when where you engaged?" I flashed the sweetest smile I could give and soften my voice so innocently I would have brought the acting industry a standing ovation.

Now, I got Xavier's attention.
But I did not dare look at him for the fear that his glare might burn my skin from doing so. Even still, I stood erect confidently and boldly facing Christiana.

Christiana giggled excitedly before saying, " Just two weeks ago! "

Goddamn! He didn't have the balls to say it to my face and now this?

Mary and Mark came after me, I was thinking straightly. I didn't know they heard it or not but what I could tell from Mary's parted and shocked face that she knew. She turned to me who was faking at the moment. I am at the loss for words until Mark's hand tightened by his side. His chiseled jaw clenched and unclenched.

" We better go since we have class after, nice to meet you bitc- I mean bye!" It was Mary who cut the tension between Mark and Xavier. Hoping that they wouldn't make a scene. Mary practically dragged me and Mark away from the waving Christiana who was oblivious of the tensed Xavier and ranging Mark.

I sighed sadly. Tears started to slip in my cheeks, " Mare, I-why did this happen to me?"

" I used to believe Xavier's disappearance meant something valid or what but now I'm starting to question his motives of coming near you Cassy." Mark gritted his teeth to hide the clear rage in his voice. I know he is mad. And I may have too. But all I could say was why?

He could end it with me soon if he were to be engaged like that but why would he keep it from me and make myself feel bad about Christiana? Scratched that, I chose to feel bad, it is his lying that doesn't make me recover from the damage.

He doesn't need my respect and he damned didn't earn it. Now, I feel so small from the world. I am trying every day to make our relationship worthwhile than I needed too. Especially the first date thing, it seemed all of my efforts turned to waste.

" Oh fck him, Cassy! " Mary gave a frustrated sigh, she ruffled her hair and scoffed, " Fck them and their engagement! You don't need to sulk here. It is not your fault!"

I remained silent as we watched the cars from the glass. We are in the cafe, studying for the upcoming midterm examination. I haven't liked the word that starts with S and ends with g. I believe in stored knowledge and I don't think continuing to follow my secret technique to achieve the best of both worlds is ever a problem at all.

" Honestly, this is not the time to talk about Xavier's secrets love affair with Christiana and her little p*ss-"

" Okay Mary, I think we got the point." I paused. We watched as the cars passed by. Blue, Red, gray, gray, gray, black. Xavier was wearing a leather jacket the first day I met him. I closed my eyes and groaned out of the blue. " I wish forgetting Xavier is easy."

Mark was silent then he uttered, " I could say the same. "

" Hey, I have an idea!" Mary gave me the smugged look she could lay on anyone.

" And what is that?" I arched my eyebrow in question at her. She was beaming with a wide wicked smile until Mark shook his head and said, " We are not going to a club?!"

Some random club

Mary did some number of popping animation like a girl robot, she twisted her head in a barbie way, did some gliding on the floor with her shoes and waving with her hands. She is a good dancer while I goofed around like a lunatic in need of proper lecture about swaying my hips to the drum of the beat. She was a beauty in the highlights. Every guy near us turned for a second look-over her. Mark was preoccupied shooing the guys away from Mary's stead that he almost fought any maniac trying to harass her. He bolted near her in case if someone goes near it'll be easier to push them away.

It turned out pretty... well. I was the third wheel of the partnership. I was freestyling with my bum alone next to them. Letting myself be free, letting go of all the worries about school, homework, Tria, Xavier. I miss him.

Normally, I would run crying at her tomb and tell her stories about why I had such a bad day. That's what usual Cassy does- come to the place where she is comfortable with. But now, I'm glad I didn't come. Perhaps, I was so engulfed from the reality that she was gone and soon forgot her. I was mushed with Xavier and his charms that I missed Tria's memory.

And from the thoughts of Xavier, imagining him watching me darkly from the nightstands away from the crowd sends shivers down my spine. I quickly blocked my thoughts and feel the beat of the hip-hop songs bantering, echoing on the walls.

He had no right to take me away from the dancefloor. We are no longer lovers since he was too busy bedding that brunette on his bed. Well, I don't care anymore if she ever was pregnant with his baby.

My shoulder tensed. A sudden thought swiped me off from dancing. Maybe that is why he was engaged. She is probably pregnant. Just like Darren was with lucy!

Something weird busted from the bile from my throat. I ran towards the restroom. I took left then to the right, passed the bar where shots where served. My eyes clouded with dizziness. I blinked a couple of times to keep from fainting. My foot padded in hurry and panic started to bile in my esophagus.

As I reached the door, my hair is disheveled, my dress unmade. Raging thoughts and unexplained feelings of wanting everything to be all out struck me with great capacity my stomach churned in disgust.

I may have five shots of tequila as I vomited the hell out of the white foam pudding from my mouth. I held on the lid of the bowl, my hair fell on my sides almost attaching to the nasty stuff in my mouth.

A hand snaked on my hair, the waft of mocha and masculine perfume filled my head.

I twisted my head and the eyes from my sockets almost gave up.

" W-what are you doing here?!"

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