The night she asked me how I feel about kids, I wasn't expecting that 5 years later we would be welcoming our 3rd into the world
We have a 4 year old, going on 2 year old and one on the way. Right now on the way
Joseph stepped down from the patch and handed it over to Dylan. Dylan sent me on a run when I got the call from Monica that Sienna is going into labour
The one time I need to be home, I get called on a run. Frustrated as I am, midway through my ride to the destination I'm meant to be heading, I turn my bike around and head home.
The others with me know as soon as I drop what I'm doing, it's because of my wife.
Did I say I asked her to marry me? After our 1st was born, a little girl we named Elle I asked her to marry me.
Owning a gym she didn't know if her body would bounce back but with the help of her employees, she bounced back each time. The doctors assured her it wouldn't harm anything in any way, it just meant her body might look different and feel different.
She definitely gained more ass and tits, but she gained more curves from carrying our children. This pregnancy she carried so well. She carried well in each of them but she looked so tiny in this one, we were both worried for our baby.
Pulling up to the hospital, Dylan meets me outside with my 2nd in one arm and his 6 year old holding his hand
"Dada!" My little boy Rico calls
"Hey my son" I grab Rico out of Dylan's arms and kiss him on the head "How are they?" I ask
"Waiting on you" He says "Elle is with mum and my other 2 in the waiting room, your parents just arrived"
"Joe?" I ask following Dylan inside
"He's bringing your guys stuff while Monica's in the room" Nodding my head he leads the way "She's pretty close, this one should just pop right out" I make a face at him as he laughs. Shaking my head we get closer to the room they've put her in
"Daddy!" I look over to see my little girl running over from her cousins. I put Rico down who runs over to his cousins and pick Elle up "Mummy is having my little sister now"
"Yes she is sweetheart" I place a kiss on her head before turning away to where my wife is
As soon as I approach, I hear laughing. Walking into the birthing room, I'm expecting to see a female in pain, another female soothing and all that comes with birth. Not two sisters laughing, 1 sister taking photos and the other in a dressing gown pacing up and down to music
"Sweet girl" I call out from the doorway
"Hey baby, I'm only a few centimeters away from pushing, you made it just in time" She says walking over to me "I'm very glad I've been working out while pregnant"
"Nah people reckon after the 1st it's a breeze from there" Monica rolls her eyes making everyone in the room laugh. I pull Sienna into my arms and kiss the top of her head
"I'm having a contraction now" She wraps her arms around me, clutching my jumper and making us sway. She moans into my chest
She has always had a close to high tolerance to pain, she hurt herself at the gym once. She calls me to pick her up and not once cried how much pain she was in. She just told me to take her to see the physio and that was it. When she got shot, she was crying not because she was hurt, but that she saw how sad I was. She's an absolute legend my girl
"You ready?" I ask her
"Yeah I think so" She breathes
I walk her over to the bed and place her in front of me like the first 2 times. She places her hands over the knees and uses me for balance. The doctor tells her she's ready to push. She grips my knees with each push she does. I wipe her hair from her face, Monica holding one of her hands beside us
"You are doing great" Monica tells her
"Fucking. Hell" She pushes on her last push and out comes my littlest girl "Oh fuck" She breathes out resting her head back on my chest and shoulder. I look up from rubbing her head and massaging her arms to see my little girl being placed on Siennas chest "I'm done now"
I laugh "You've said that each time my love" I place kisses on her neck as she rubs our baby girls face and back
Watching Jeremy with all 3 of our kids together reminded of each time I had anxiety of telling him I was pregnant. The doubt I would be feeling, even though my heart tells me he will love whatever I give him. 1st and 2nd time I showed minimal signs, only the growing and the appetite, the 3rd time I had everything and I felt like shit but I wouldn't change anything
Doctor has given me the all clear to workout now and I can't wait. I also got the all clear for sex but I'm not telling Jeremy just yet.
I see him look up from his spot on the couch with our kids and smile my way
"Did the appointment go ok?" I nod my head not being able to stop myself from answering. He knows me too well when he looks at me that the doctor told me more than what I went in for. He smiles at me then turns his smile to the kids.
The way he is with the kids makes me what to do anything for this man
Lucky I married him because he's mine for keeps