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{smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)}


John laid in his bed, an empty space beside him. He looked out of the window, to see the blue sky getting slowly darker. 

When suddenly, an idea crossed his crooked mind. As he tought of his idea, or plan in that case, his lover walked in their room. A laundry basket in his grasp, he trodged over to their bed. Setting the basket down.

As Ringo took out shirts to fold them, John jerked his fist near his mouth. Faking a cough.

Ringo looked up at John with curiosity. He put down the pair of pants he was folding and walked closer to his lover.

He sat down on the edge of the bed. As John coughed again, Ringo placed his hand on John's forehead. Pushing aside the hair that covered it. He pursed his lips at he didn't feel any heat or so.

The smaller retrieved his hand near his lap. 

John looked into his eyses helplessly, trying to give him some sort of hint. Ringo sighed and got up. 

''Are you faking a cold?'' Ringo huffed, placing his hands on his hips.

''... Maybe.'' John grinned.

''Do you want me to chek you up?'' he asked teasingly.

''That would be lovely. Oh, and, can you put it on for me?''

''I'll think about it.'' Ringo giggled at John's puppy eyes.

John grinned as Ringo left the room.

Ringo made his way to the closet they kept their outfits and suits in. His hands flipped through the coat hangers, then he finally found what he was looking for. He fished it from the very back area and took a look at it. 

He looked inside the clothing, his face flushed when he saw that it came with an extra piece.

He walked to the bathroom to get dressed.


John waited patiently on the bed. His head turned towards the door once he heard shuffling outside the latter.

His breath hitched as he heard the door handle turn. The door opened and in walked Ringo.

John eyes widened at the sight. 

Ringo wore a red, almost white nurse outfit. The fabric molded his shapes almost too perfectly. He wore as well the white nurse hat wich made it ten times better.

John asked himself when they've gotten this, but couldn't care less at the moment.

As he walked closer, John tried his best not to drool. Ringo sat back on the edge of the bed, a thermometer in between his fingers.

''Open wide luv, it wont hurt.'' he spoke sweetly.

John opened his mouth and closed it back once the thermometer was placed in.

They stared in each other's eyes as they waited for the temperature to show in the thin glass tube.

Ringo took it out genty from his lover's lips and examined it closely. 

''It doesn't look like your sick...'' John watched as Ringo's delicate hand placed the thermometer on the nightstand near the bed side.

''It's because I'm love sick.'' he spoke huskely as he connected their lips together.

Ringo smiled against his lips and deepened the kiss heately.

John's hands roamed on Ringo's chest as he pushed him gently on the bed, without breaking the kiss.

Ringo's fingers tangled in his soft brown hair. Their lips dancing together in sync.

The taller fumbled with the snaps of his dress as he trailed kisses down Ringo's warm neck.

John smirked as he noticed Ringo's flushed face once he saw that 'extra piece' he wore. His eyes glided down to the panties that did poorly to hide Ringo's bulge.

He sat back up and pushed John back on the bed. His hands trailed down his torso and unbottened his shirt. They continued down untill they found his belt buckle. Ringo unbuckled it and tugged on the zipper.

John groaned when he felt Ringo's hand through the thin fabic of his boxers. Ringo collided their lips again as his fingers hooked the band of John's boxers. 

Ringo's hand molded John's crotch as he mouved it up a down slowly. John moaned quietly againts Ringo's lips.

The kiss was soon interrupted when Ringo leveled down to John's shaft. He kissed the tip before taking it in his mouth. John closed his eyes as he bit his lip. Ringo bobbled his head deeper on his cock, almost gagging.

He relaxed his throat as he felt John trust upward slightly. His cheeks were hollowed and his lips were shiny as he sucked harder.

''Fuck, Ritch...'' John heaved as he felt himself getting closer.

Ringo moaned on his cock, sending vibrations up John's spine. He gave one, two, three more trust before tipping on the edge.

''God, fuck-'' He moaned once more when he felt John's cum leak in his mouth. Ringo swollowed it seductively, looking at him through his eyelashes.

John pulled him up by gripping him by his ribcage, then under his thighs. He kissed Ringo and licked his lips for entrance. Their tongues savouring each other's mouth. He stopped to put gently two fingers in Ringo's mouth. He sucked on them until he pulled them out and was replaced by John's lips.

Ringo gasped as he felt a finger slip in. He haven't felt John pull down the underwear.

That thought was soon interrupted by another finger. He gasped a moan as John hit his spot. 

He began to bounce at a steady rythm on his fingers. Hitting his protate each time he mouved. John examined his pleasurable face while Ringo fucked himself. He coudn't hold it back anymore and pulled out his fingers.

Ringo whined at the loss, but soon felt the empty feeling being replaced by John's length. He face screw up in pleasure when he touched his sweet spot once more.

''Awh!'' moaned Ringo as he felt John speed up his thrusting patern.

He grabbed his lover's shoulder for support, digging his nails in his felsh in pleasure.

John was caught off gard by Ringo taking control. He bounced up and down and swirled his hips on John's dick. Ringo arched his back as he felt pleasure shot trough his body.

His hands grabbed Ringo's hips as he helped him go down deeper. Ringo's mouth formed an 'o' as he felt his high comming near.

''I'm gonna-'' he screamed John's name as he came on both of their stomach. He fell foward and laid on John's chest as he kept thrusting upwards.

He wrapped his arms around his small frame as he felt himself getting closer.

They both moaned as John filled him up, then pulling out soon after.

Ringo nuzzled his head in the crook of his neck. The two of them were panting, trying to catch their breath. Their bodies were sweaty, and their hair stuck slightly to their forehead. Somehow, Ringo's nurse hat kept in place even after all that.

''Love sick... Tell me about it.'' chuckled Ringo as he kissed John's neck.


First time writing smut, how is it? :0

Somehow I lost the last part of it so I had to re-write it by memory... sucks

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