is that you and shawns xxx tape!

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an:// Hows everyone been? its been awhile but ive been to myself these past days sleeping early just want everyone to know that i support everybody on my platform and stay safe out there its a changed world lauren yelled at a fan on Ig calling her lazy because the fan asked about some websites to support whats going on right now an she went off lol as she always does shes a bitch that we love anyways yes.  love you all and happy pride month!!!

A week later

"Mitchell we need you down on set forty with the scripts" i hit the intercom button on my desk "alright heading there now mark"

After coming from Miami i was pushed into work there were a bunch of new scripts piling up on my desk when i came back i talked to my boss marline about it but she assured me that i could take of it bitch when she wanted to be then again she was my sisters boss....i clipped my walkie on my waist heading into the elevator holding the four scripts in one hand shays lunch in the next.

It was burning hot in Los Angeles today nothing like how it was in Miami for some reason its more draining over here i haven't heard from lauren this whole week so i kinda just kept to myself i mean she had my number id let her make the move, as i was getting closer i saw the girls joking around i came behind shay swatting at her butt with the script,

"Here you go bitch here's your salad and your script try not to lose it this time" i passed it around to Sasha, ashley and Lisndy "take off that beanie its hot" i joked with linsdey

"Sooooo yn has she called?" I looked over at Sasha confused. Shay gave herself away "bitch i told you not to tell anyone yet!"

"Im sorry okay but i'm excited its been how long you've been crushing over your best friend and now someone might actually like you"

"That is not the point and well since i love you more than my sis sash id tell you but she hasn't called me back sooo take that as i sign" shay jumped up from the floor fork in her mouth "wait she hasn't called you well have you tried?" I shrugged checking my phone for another message from shawn i sighed he wasn't making this shit easy on me....i was very drunk that night but I could've sworn that he admitted he liked me or i don't know.

I put it in my back pocket, ashley stood next to me leaning her elbow on my shoulder, "if you like her yn sometimes you have to put in work too" i groaned "look im not freaking out right now i'm fine--maybe she doesn't like me so"

"Oh fuck off as if she didn't i saw her the whole night as a matter of fact the both of you that me it looked like you two knew each other before you guys just clicked" my ass buzzed again i sighed seeing it was shawn again "alright ill give it another day and if she doesnt call then i will good?" they nodded expect sasha "but yn if your not ready for it no need to rush it i mean your feelings about shawn are still evident i mean he constantly messages you even though hes on his honeymoon" i blushed having not brought that up to ashley and shay the bestie from hell

"wait hes been messaging you like back to back texting or more like each two hours" i sighed "like back to back i mean don't get me wrong i did tell him that he should be spending time with camila but he said camila was sleeping were bestfriends what do you expect" i heard marline voice coming from behind "yn you got any other work back at the office?" i shook my head no she laid her hand on my shoulder smiling "then come to the table read it'll be fun after you can leave early i appreciate getting everything back so quickly" thank god my ass was numb for sitting at my office chair i didn't even get lunch yet.

We all headed into the warner brothers studio conferences halls going to the third floor that was perecily for the Pretty little Liars cast an crew also marlins office, "say yn would like an office here instead you've been adding amazing corrections and ideas in the script so you can be closer to the writers" shay face couldn't smile anymore "really? You uh think i'm that good to be in this section" marlene nodded "hell yeah maybe we can move it tomorrow if you like"

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