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Oh Life !
Life could be many things, I wonder what it is to you?
Life could be days
Yes it could be nights
But have not witness many days and nights a lot
So I wonder what it is to all of us

Oh Life!
Life could be many things, I wonder what it is to you?
Life could be color
It could be white as snow
It could be black like the night lacquer it’s surface
It could be blue just like the sky
It could be gray, yellow and red just the way rainbow has it’s colors
I wonder what color it is to all of us

Oh Life!
Life could be many things, I wonder what it is to you?
Life could be overwhelming, boundaries everywhere to cross
Sometimes it could be straightforward and danced to your perfect lines
So I wonder what path it has chosen for all of us

Oh Life!
Life could be many things, I wonder what it is to you?
It could devoured you with golds, silvers and riches
Or sanctified you with infamy, fragility and impoverishment
Maybe mixture of both at time

Oh life!
Life could be many things, I wonder what it is to you?
It is the people you see in your front, back and sideways
It is the image you see in the mirror when it reflect
it is everything that surround you in your present predicament
Life could be many things, I wonder what it is to you?

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