If I am to tell you about it
What would I say?
How would I even start?
long time ago men used to sleep in peace
And snore till the sounds of cock
Men don’t worry about the future
It’s the future who worried about them
I am talking about men of dark ages
When the mind was black as black
And what they know is love, peace, and survival through the days
These men don’t chase dreams
They chase work with hard labor
They work with heart, soul, and strength
They hunt and enjoy what their stick-like knife brought them
They defended themselves not with guns, bombs, and grenades
They eat shrubs and onions and garlic from the earth
They drink the river water and bathe in it
Their women flock the street with profound beauty
As their breast danced in front of them
This men and women don’t chase dreams
1000years later, there is science, philosophy,
Laws, principles, and theories
Men started seeing each other differently
They divided themselves in black and white
In nations and boundaries
These men saw dreams
And ambition comes with it
I have dreams too
Something from my dream is tranquility
Something the eyes of Mohandas Gandhi saw;
As he leads India to independence
Something in the heart of Martin Luther King Jr.
When his voice echoed throughout the state of Washington
Even the heaven and the earth heard the man with a dream
As he delivered his powerful speech
Something Nelson Mandela fought for in South Africa
Something Malala Yousafzai stood for in middle east
As she campaign throughout Pakistan and across its border
Something from my dreams is hope
Hope in equality
Hope in humanity
Hope in peace and unity
Hope in love and justice
Hope in what we could achieve together@Fatai Ismail Omobolaji