Garmadon is Attacking...Again...「✔」

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"Okay, General Number Six." Garmadon orders. 

"Yes, sir?" The General responded. 

"You, and your team of crab men overthrow the police station." 

"I can do that." The General Number Six replied. As soon as he said that, screams from the police can be heard as the crab men and their vehicles crash into the police cars.

"General Number One, take the TV station." Garmadon exclaims. 

"10-4!" The General Number One shouted out.


"What?!" The news person exclaims in confusion before the TV goes out to a sign that shows Garmadon's face.


"General Number Five, crash the stock market." 

"Okey-doke." The General Number Five says happily. 

"General Number Three, knock over that table." The General Number Three knocks over the table with rage. 

"General Number Two, pop that kid's balloon." For some reason, a kid is smiling happily while destruction is happening, but oh, well.

The General pops the kid's balloon with it's narwhal point, and the kid starts crying. "General Number Four, make the school bus dangle precariously over an overpass or something. I've never seen that before!" 

The henchmen go in front of the bus as the school kids start panicking over the front wheel. "We're gonna die!" One of the school kids says as the bus dangles on the edge.

"Now, all I have to do is climb to the top of Ninjago Tower, and then I will rule over Ninjago." Garmadon says to himself. 

"Wait, what?" The mayor says on the phone in shock. 

"I said I will rule over Ninjago forever!" Then he starts laughing, like the maniac he is.

"Where are the ninjas?" One of the school kids on the bus says worriedly.


Everyone is in Social Studies class bored out of their minds. Cole is busy playing rock music, not giving a care in the world, Zane is listening to the teacher's gibberish, Jay and Lloyd are as well, Nya and Kai are laying back dozing off and [Name] is doodling in one of her notebooks she had gotten for her birthday, before.

All of a sudden, the alarms go off. Yes, they have alarms for every time Garmadon attacks that tells you something. "Uh-oh it's Garmadon!" The teacher says as she drops her ruler in shock. 

"Thanks, Lloyd!" The whole class say except Lloyd and his friends. 

"Can you all shut up? It's not, like Lloyd even asked his Dad to invade us today, leave the guy be." [Name] shouted with every evident hint of annoyance. Lloyd smiled softly in gratitude at, [Name] for just defending him, he was always grateful for her and he was glad that she even bothered to stay around with him.

"You know what to do. Duck and cover!" All the students listened to what the teacher said except the gang. 

"Can I have a bathroom pass?" They all said, except [Name]. She knew they were hiding something from her but she decided not to overthink it.

"I think you mean 'May I'. May I have a bathroom pass? You know what do whatever you want." The teacher said while hiding behind her desk.

After the gang left the class, [Name] asked if she could go to the bathroom as well. Once she got into the bathroom, Nya wasn't there so obviously they lied but it didn't matter at this point. [Name] spun around, as if she were a princess and when she stop spinning she was in her in Mysterio ninja outfit ready for awesomeness.

The LEGO Ninjago Movie [Lloyd x Female Ninja! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now