Chapter 14

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I sprawl on the seat, spreading out my legs as far as possible. A sigh betraying my well-being escapes from my mouth. My head is spinning a little and yet I haven't drunk a single drop of alcohol. It's this evening, this moment shared with someone who doesn't seem a stranger to me anymore. Someone with whom I'm sharing more and more as time goes. Someone I like, yes, and not just physically.

When I open my eyes again, Aden's looking at me.

Devouring me with his eyes.

There's basic lust in this gaze, especially as it drops to my legs and what's between.

But there's also this warmth, which makes me especially weak at the knees.

And I don't think that it's a trick of light.

"Why are you so far away?" I whisper.

"Maybe I was waiting for your invitation."

« Are you playing shy, now?" I retort, an eyebrow raised. "While barely half an hour before, you were..."

"I know what I was doing. I haven't forgotten."

His voice is low enough to sound like a growl. His eyes are still fastened on me, and his pupils visibly dilate as I open my shirt's top button, exposing a bit more the smooth skin of my collarbone.

"Well, since you seem to need a hand..."

I reach out, my fingers grazing the front of his shirt. I feel him shiver at this single touch.

"Come closer, then."

He complies.

But at the last moment, while I expect him to sit next to me, he stands instead between my spread-out legs.

And then, slowly, he kneels.

I remain open-mouthed. Mesmerised by this unexpected gesture.

Suddenly, I'm reminded of this stupid bet I've made with Elsa.

I'll put you on your knees.

Well, I wasn't expecting it so soon.

I don't realise I've said it aloud till I see Aden frowning.

"What didn't you expect it so soon?"

"You. On Your knees. Right in front of me."

A smirk creases his lips.

"Oh really?"

He lifts his hands till they're both stroking my knees.

"And since we're talking about dares and such..." I carry on before leaning in, brushing his cheek with mine, enjoying the rasp of his stubble. "Do you know I've made a bet about you?"

I feel more than I hear the hitch in his breath.

"Do tell," he pants out against my skin, lips already kissing my neck.

"The first time I saw you at the counter, teasing me with your very bad lines..."

He laughs a little.

"Were they really so bad?"

"They were terrible. But you were so pretty I couldn't hold it against you."

His hands are going up, retracing the same path up my legs than he's already done in the car.

He steps back slightly, taking the time to kiss my chin, to draw the line of my jaw with his tongue.

I groan a little.

"I bet with my co-worker I'll put you on your knees."

A little laugh of delight rolls on his tongue, I can feel the vibrations against my skin.

"Such an inventive young man," he rasps before putting his lips on mine.

This time, there's no teasing, no foreplay. We're kissing messily, hungrily, as if we were on a time limit.

He's surging forward against me, till I have no other choice but to let myself be pinned against the back of my seat. I draw him close and he's sitting on top of me, squirming delightfully on my lap. The gazebo's fairy lights cast their glow on our damp, sweaty skin.

"You feel so good..." I hear myself whispering.

"And you haven't seen anything yet!" he retorts before bending over me and kissing me some more.

Every muscle in my body lets go, melts against him, as a surge of hot, white desire spikes through my veins, and causes me to moan quite wantonly, quite embarrassingly into Aden's mouth. It seems to spur him on. He lets out a moan, hears me exhale at it, like I've just had the wind knocked out of me.

« You like this," Aden observes, as though it requires stating, as though I'm not completely hard and pliant under him right now, and willing to do anything he asks.

"How did you find out?" I reply, the dry effect I was aiming at rather ruined by my panting voice.

He doesn't reply, preferring instead to run his hands up my arms till he has my wrists pinned against the leather of my seat. He's looking at me with such fervour, mouth open, eyes dark with desire.

Looking like the very angel of sin himself.

"Move," he rumbles, and I can't do anything else but complying. Obeying his command, with my hands pinned either side of my head, and the weight of Aden's body grinding down against my desperate cock. I rock, arch, thrust upward.

"Come for me, Ethan," he rasps against my mouth, his tongue licking my lip before sliding again against mine. "Come for me, darling."

And that's all it takes.

I come suddenly, powerfully in my pants like a boy, but not like a boy either, because this is something a younger me never could have imagined.

Aden's keening, whispering "yes, yes, Ethan!". He's surging forward, rocking against me before reaching completion in an "aah". We're both panting, hands trembling against heated, sweaty skin. His breath's stirring the hair next to my ear. When he draws back and kisses me, his mouth is soft and careful, fluttering a barely-there kiss over my swollen lips.

There's care in this kiss, and there's also... tenderness.

Something I've rarely experienced during a first date.

My breath stutters as Aden draws away again, and looks into my eyes from close enough that I can see all the spectrum of a summer sky in them.

"You're beautiful..."

I don't have the chance to reply.

Hey, you!"

The cry startles me.

Aden tenses against me, before getting up quickly, almost falling to the ground in his haste.

"Come on!" he says, already reaching out to me.

"Hey you! Stop!"

"Who the fuck is it?" I ask, standing up in turn, stumbling a little. Adrenalin quickly replaces the languid afterglow in my veins as we leave the gazebo and start running in the darkness.

"That must be one of the guards. And they have..."

Suddenly I hear harsh barking.

"They have dogs?!"

"They have," Aden confirms before fleeing as if the devil himself were on his heels. I follow him as best as I can, my breath wheezing in my chest, a stitch in my side.

Just as I'm about to give up, the breach in the wall appears. Aden jumps across it before helping me out.

We carry on running in the dark, hand in hand. And when we finally don't hear any more barking or screaming behind us, we stop, struggling to get our breath back.

"It was..."

"Crazy as fuck!"

Our gazes meet.

And we start laughing so loudly I'm sure the whole city can hear us.


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