Mac and Cheese Theif

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The entire ride back to my flat, Louis' hand was resting on my knee, we made small talk about our childhood and what happened to us in the past two years. He just got out of a serious relationship, where as I has never been in one, minor flings, yes, meaning I knew how to snog, "Well," I said pulling into my drive way and turning off the car, "This is me." I slipped out of the car, pulling my sweater closer to my body, why didn't I just wear an actual jacket?

Louis came around the car, noticing me shivering, "Bunny, you're cold, here." He slipped off his jack wills hoodie handing it to me. I thanked him, pulling it over my head not caring if it messed up my hair, "Now, come, let's make you some tea." He pulled my keys out of my hand opening the door to my cozy flat. He flipped the lights on, setting my keys down on the table, "Nice flat," He complimented looking in the living room which had two long couches, a reading chair, and a flat screen t.v. "Go change into something warm, I'll make tea." He said, kissing my temple before slipping into the kitchen.

I quickly made my way to my room, trading my cold skinny jeans for a pair of maroon baggy sweat pants, I then slipped into my bathroom quickly brushing my teeth, I also cleaned my face getting the little make up I had off. Happy with my work, I made my way back to the kitchen, the others still weren't back. "Hey, Boobear, whatcha making?" I asked, snaking my arms around his stomach, hugging him from behind.

His chuckle rumbled through his chest, making my shake as well. "Wouldn't you like to know Miss Nosey. If you must know, I'm making mac and cheese, I didn't get to eat before we left." I nodded my head then blushed since he couldn't see me. I uttered a small 'Oh.' before sliding on to the counter next to him. Every once and awhile Lou's eyes would make their way to my face while stirring. He sighed, pouring the mac and cheese into a bowl to cool down a bit, "Celbells," He said, stepping between my legs, putting his hands on my waist, "I have something to tell you," He whispered, I ran my hands up his chest, resting them on his shoulders, "I-" He started but was cut off by the door opening.

Niall rushed in, eyes trained on the mac and cheese, "Oh! Thank god, I'm starving!" He poured himself a bowl, which was over half the pot and dug in.

"Oi!" Louis said, slapping the back of the Irish lads head, "That was our mac and cheese, I made it!" He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes, jumping off the counter, "No need to fret Lou," I said opening the fridge and pulling something out that made the older boys eyes widen with happiness. "I got carrots," I smiled as he ran over, kissing my cheek, before pulling a carrot out of the bag and chomping down on it, "You're welcome." I pulled out a carrot for myself.

Liam walked in, stopping dead in his tracks noticing the both of us eating carrots, "Oh dear Lord, we have two carrot lovers." I nodded my head, laughing as he straightened out his plaid shirt, "Well, the lads and myself would like to watch a film." He said, hooking his thumb over his shoulder motioning toward the living room.

I smiled, making my way toward the door. "Great, I have netflix." As I stepped into the living room I noticed two things, one Niall and Kelly were cuddled up on one couch, two, Kelly was giving me the all knowing look. "Um, Kells can I talk to you for a minute." She nodded her head, standing up and whispering something to awaiting Niall. "What's going on with you a Niall, not even an hour ago you were fan girling over him." I asked once we were in my room, out of ear shot of the boys.

She shrugged her shoulders, "What, can't have a cuddle buddy? I don't know, I guess I realized how normal he was, he's actualy pretty cool. But, more importantly what's going on with you and Louis, and why did he act like he knew you?" Oh, right, I never told Kelly I grew up with Louis, she would have treated my differently.

I blushed, "Er, well, we already knew each other." Her eyes widened, I held up my hand as she was about to rant about god knows what, "Well, you see, we grew up together. I know you are my best friend, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to like, freak out, no one other then my old old friends know." I smiled sheepishly at her.

She smirked at me, "Well, have you snogged him yet?" I laughed obnoxiously loud, hitting her shoulder in a playful manor, "Okay, okay, let's get back to the boys before they eat all the food." She linked her arm with mine, opening my bedroom door, stepping out pulling me with her. A giant smile plastered on her face as we returned to the living room, Niall already asking her with his eyes to sit beside him.

I sighed, they would be to cute together, I looked around the room, Niall, and Kelly  were on one couch, Liam was sitting in the reading chair,  Harry and Zayn were laying on the floor with the pillows from the couch, and Louis was stretched out on the other couch, I laughed as I walked over, plopping down right on top of him, "Unf," He muttered as I knocked the breath out of him, "Well, if you wanted to cuddle all you had to do was ask, Love." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me giggle even harder.

I slightly pushed his shoulder before laying down on top of him, his arms instantly wrapping around me like old times, yep Louis and I used to be cuddle buddies, I sighed again inhaling the scent of Louis making me instantly relax. "Shush Tommo, the movie is coming on." As the opening title for Toy Story started to play everyone groaned expect Liam who laughed while clapping, "If I fall asleep, leave me alone." I stated sleepily as my eye lids starting getting heavy.

Today was pretty eventful, I went to my first One Direction concert, front row, met them, and had an amazing time with my best friend, who actually remembered me. I fell asleep on top of Louis smiling to myself, I got my best friend back, no need to dream of him tonight, but like always, I did.


Yay, thrid chapter, what did you guys think of it? I really like it, then again, I guess since it's my story I like it. Comment your thoughts, and fan, also vote/like. Picture ont he side is Celeste outfit and hair for the concert (:

Lots Of Love~

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