Hello Mum, Hello Dad.

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"Should we wake them?"

"No, no, they look to cute together."

"Oh my god, guys lets take pictures and tweet it!"

I groan, pushing my face further into the pillow. No, not a pillow, a stone hard chest, Louis. I sigh, pushing my face into the crook of his neck, hoping the guys will get the hint and leave me alone. I was starting to drift off when I heard the click of a camera, snapping a picture. "What the hell guys?!" I groaned, sitting up and rubbing my head, already starting to get a headache from their craziness.

Harry, who had the phone, snickered, "Nothing, Love. Go back to sleep and cuddle your boobear." He presses some random keys on his phone before looking back up at me. I send a death glare toward him then look at the phone. "It was nothing, just sending my mum a text."

I raise my eyebrow and look at Niall who is red faced and rolling around on the ground, "Styles, give me the phone." I threaten, standing up, he shook his head no. "Just give me the damn phone!" He again shook his head before taking off down the hall and locking himself into the bathroom. Just as I was about to chase after him my phone dinged. I pulled it out, the screen reading One new Mention on twitter. I quickly and quietly opened it, find a picture of Louis and I cuddling on the couch, the tweet saying '@Louis_Tomlinson & Girlfriend @CelRose cuddling this morning, to cute!' along with the link for the picture. I screamed, a blood curdling scream that woke Louis up, "HARRY EDWARD STYLES I AM GOING TO KILL YOUR ASS!" I took off down the hall, banging on the bathroom door, he couldn't stay in there forever. I hit the door one last time before Louis' arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me away from the bathroom and into my room. "Louis Tomlinson, if you know what's good for you, you'll let me go!"

He shook his head, "No can do, Bunny, you'll get Harreh." He sat me down on my bed, making sure to keep a hand on my waist, "Now, calm down and tell me what the bad man did." Even in a serious moment where I was completely pissed off, I cracked a smile, "See, there we go, I knew I could calm you down."

I laughed at him, slightly pushing him, "Shut it Boobear." I pouted crossing my arms over my chest, "He tweeted a picture of us saying we were a couple. I'm going to get so much hate Louis! I-"

Louis put his hand over my mouth looking into my eyes, "Just ignore the hate, that's what the other girlfriends do. Not saying you're my girlfriend." He smirked at me, winking before standing up and holding his hand out for  me to grab.

I stood up, rolling my eyes, "Like I would date you! You are, like, my best friend." I chuckled but quickly stopped when something flashed through his eyes. Hurt? Sorrow? Nah, I brushed it up, walking out of my room and back into the living room where everyone, including Harry, was sitting. "Okay, boys, so, first thing is first, you guys clean up, go home, then Lou and I are going to visit family." I clapped my hands, "Chop chop lads! Clean up while I'm in the shower, it's a mess." I said, crinkling my nose.

Zayn stood up smirking at me, "Yes, mom." He laughed as he, and the rest of the boys along with Kelly, started picking up the trash from our junk food last night.

I rolled my eyes, making my way back to my room Louis was in the guest bathroom so I slipped into my room, stripping my clothes off and walking into my bathroom. I turned on the shower, waiting for it to heat up when my bathroom door opened, "Bunny I-" I shirked covering my body with the towel that was on the rack.

Throwing my slipper at Louis I screamed again, "Get out of here you pervert!" He slapped his hands over his face, chuckling as he walked back out of the bathroom. I sighed, putting my towel back down stepping into the warm shower. I stood there, letting the warm water run over my cold skin. I washed my hair with my green apple shampoo and quickly saved my legs, as the water was going cold for standing there for to long. I stepped out of the shower, careful not to slip and fall before wrapping my warm towel around my body. I took my blow dryer, plugging it in and drying my hair. Once that was done, I plugged in my straightener, waiting for it to heat up I ran into my room, grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved v neck shirt. Quickly throwing them on, along with my toms, I went back into my room, straightening my hair. Not bothering with make up I brushed my teeth. "It better be clean!" I yelled, walking down the hall.

Louis ran out into the hall, almost smacking into me, "It is, now let's go! I want to see mum and dad." He latched his hand with mine, pulling me out of the door, grabbing my jacket on the way. "Bye lads! See you tomorrow!" I smirked as Louis got into the driver side, starting the car. "Come on Celbells!" I sighed at the nickname, slipping into the passenger side.

Half an hour later we pulled into the drive way of  my parents home. Would they remember Louis? Of course they would! They loved him, "Come on loser, let's go." I jumped out of the car, ready to see my mum I missed her. Without knocking on the door I opened it, stepping in to my childhood home, the smell of cookies filling my nose, "Mummy I'm home! I have a surprise too!" My mum came out of the kitchen, holding a batch of cookies on a plate. She smiled, before rushing over to hug me, "Mum, I've missed you." I choked out, it's only been a month but my mum was my best friend.

She patted my back, "What's this surprise you have for me?" She pulled away, then Louis walked in, a giant smile on his face, "My baby! Oh how I have missed you!" She pulled him into a hug, "What have you done with your hair, boy? It's all gone." She patted his shoulder, pulling him inside the living room.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Felt like doing something new with it. I think it makes me look sexier," He said, winking over at me, "How have you been mum? How are my parents, and dad?" Louis' parents were out of town, they didn't know he came home last night.

Mum set her hand on his knee, "They are great, missing you every day. They took the babies on a trip to Florida." She smiled at him, "Oh, how I have missed you, where are you staying Lou?"

I pipped up, "He'll stay with me, in my new flat, I have a guest bedroom. I can't throw my best friend out on the street." He smiled up at me, pulling me onto his lap, nuzzling his face in my neck. "Louis stop, that tickles." I giggled as his eyelashes fluttered against my skin.

Mum clapped her hands, "I always knew you two would get together." I blushed, ready to interject but she cut me off, "No, no. you will if you aren't now. So, how about we eat dinner, I was just finishing up." I looked at the clock, it was only 6 in the afternoon, but then again, my mum liked to have dinner early.

We made our way to the dinning room, the table already set. I helped my mum bring the food out, setting it on the table, Louis got the drinks, pouring some into four glasses. Just as we sat down, my father walked in, giving Louis a long hard glare. "Louis." He drawled out, sternly, I gulped.


Yay, family time :D This chapter is dedicated to my AMZAYNING Friend Tsion who made the cover for my story, isn't it awesome socks? What do you guys think of the chapter? Comments your thoughts, Like/vote, fan and please share my story! Thanks.

Lots Of Love~

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