The Necklace's Past I

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💘💀The unusual💀💘
    They were having fun not noticing the girl who was stalking them from the thick trees. When she saw the necklace her eyes sparkled. She got out her phone and called someone.
????: tell mom I found what we have lost for years.
                         💙PART 10💙
   Racing the wind In a super fast move the girl  got out a pocket knive and laid it on Marinette's neck threatening them.
KAGAMI: any sudden move and your friend will be laying dead in her own blood.
ADRIEN: what do you want?
KAGAMI: I am kagami tsurugi and that necklace you are wearing knows who killed my father. Give me the necklace, you get your friend back. I go away and you never see me again.
     One thing kagami didn't know which was that she didn't have all the facts. She didn't know who was she dealing with. Marinette gave them sign then turned into a bat and flew away while Adrien transformed and used his to cataclysm the ground. rose Transformed and used her powers to tie kagami with the tree leaves and then Marinette turned back to a human.
MARINETTE: now what's your story?
ADRIEN: if we can help in any way, trust me we won't hesitate to. But we have to know who are we dealing with.
KAGAMI: fine, I will tell you everything. Long time ago, my dad was an adventurer. He used to travel all around the world. On one of his adventures, the werewolves attacked him and killed him but before he exhaled the last breath, he cursed the wolves not to eat humans. After that mom tried to contact my dad using a spell which gave her a dream of what I just told you and led her to this necklace. Mom can cast a spell on it and we can know who killed my father exactly. We can know all the secrets it has.
MARINETTE: but why does Adrien between all people has the necklace. It doesn't make sense.
    Adrien fell on a nearby falling tree and was shocked. Finally he can know who he is and where did he come from.
ADRIEN: I am an orphan. They found me in front of the orphanage door. Two days before Marinette appeared, I ran away from there. When they found me, I was wearing this necklace. It has my name on it.
KAGAMI: how can this be. This necklace always belonged to the werewolves. Why does it have your name?
MARINETTE: could you be..... The lost son?
To be continued

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